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The News Archive

22.04.2024 Erinnerungsabend an die Veröffentlichung von E2-E4 vor 40 Jahren
... am Donnerstag, 23.05.2024, 20:00 Uhr (optionaler Zusatztermin 21:45 Uhr) im Lichtblick-Kino, Kastanienallee 77, 10435 Berlin.

(Commemorating the 40th Release Anniversary of E2-E4 - a lecture on the history of its origins, video recording of a concert in Japan & conversation with the audience, in German.)

Mehr Informationen stehen in diesem Flyer. Auch die Schach-Nachrichtenseite Chessbase kündigt diesen Abend an.

20.04.2024 Performance to a Schwingungen track by UK filmmaker Nina Danino
UK filmmaker Nina Danino performing to the track by Ash Ra Tempel Light: Look at Your Sun from the album Schwingungen (1972) at St. Stephen Walbrook, London, 6 April 2024:

She writes about this performance:
"I have been listening to Ash Ra Tempel’s music and particularly 'Light: Look at Your Sun' which has vocals, since I included Ash Ra Tempel’s exquisite music for Le Berceau de Cristal which is in the film soundtrack of Solitude (2022). Not only is Manuel Göttsching’s music of a transcendental order, I love the masterful guitar build up in this track and its spiritual but also psychedelic and cosmic, slightly menacing atmosphere. I wanted to see what happens to introduce this music into the sacred space in this experimental event but also to follow vocally as far as I could, Manuel Göttsching's guitar which screeches, cries and screams to transcendence."
07.02.2024 Manuel Göttsching/Ash Ra Tempel on Spotify
Manuel Göttsching on Spotify... please click here!
Ash Ra Tempel on Spotify... please click here!
28.12.2023 Japanese designer Jun Takahashi from Undercover honouring Manuel and his E2-E4 music in an iconic way!

(For more clothes please scroll down on their page.)
09.12.2023 Hiro Kawahara: "In Memory of Manuel Göttsching", 4 December 2023
Heretic | Hiro Kawahara | Complete Works | In Memory of Manuel Göttsching
01.12.2023 RadioEins Elektro Beats erinnert an Manuel
Weil Manuel vor einem Jahr am 04.12.2022 diese Welt verlassen hat, erinnerten die Elektro Beats am Sonntag, den 03.12.2023 an ihn. Die ganze Sendung ist noch online zu hören, der Abschnitt über Manuel beginnt bei 1:00:12.
07.12.2023 Music tribute by Christian Wheeldon, the author of the book about Manuel's musical life
Christian Wheeldon from UK, the author of the book about Manuel's musical life, is also a musician and composer of ambient music. Almost one year ago he composed the track Starlight as a tribute to Manuel. You can listen to it on Bandcamp.
06.12.2023 Be happy in heaven making music with friends & stay healthy!
Memory of Manuel on the first anniversary of his death on 4 December 2022 (in German)/Erinnerung an Manuel zum ersten Todestag am 4. Dezember 2022 in Musikreviews.
06.12.2023 Listen to Mark Jenkins' tribute to Manuel here:

01.12.2023 RadioEins Elektro Beats erinnert an Manuel
Weil Manuel vor einem Jahr am 04.12.2022 diese Welt verlassen hat, erinnern die Elektro Beats am Sonntag, den 03.12.2023 ab 22.00 an ihn. Mehr Informationen.
26.11.2023 About the 4 Ash Ra Tempel 50th anniversary reissues in The Wire
Daniel Spicer wrote a review of the four Ash Ra Tempel 50th anniversary reissues in the current December 2023 issue #478 of the British music magazine The Wire. You can read it here.
15.11.2023 Only interesting for German speaking readers
Das neue Buch Deutschland ohne Dach - Die neue Obdachlosigkeit des Literaturpreisträgers und Bestsellerautors Richard Brox beginnt mit einer außergewöhnlichen Widmung an Manuel Göttsching:

Das Buch erschien am 14.11.2023 im Rowohlt-Verlag (ISBN 978-3-499-01140-5). SAT 1-Frühstücksfernsehen, Deutschlandfunk und WDR berichteten dazu und Manuel wird im WDR-Beitrag ab 00:19:05 liebevoll erwähnt. Am 14.12.2023 spricht Richard Brox zu seinem Buch in der SWR-Sendung Leute und bedankt sich ab etwa 14:33 bis 15:47 bei Günter Wallraff und Manuel in der interessanten Sendung für beider Hilfe und Engagement für ihn als Obdachlosen.

Am 02.07.2024 berichtet die Schwäbische Zeitung über die zwei Bücher von Richard Brox. Im folgenden Absatz wird Manuel Göttsching erwähnt, dem das zweite Buch gewidmet ist. 2011 wird der TV-Reporter Günter Wallraff auf ihn aufmerksam, der Journalist Albrecht Kieser recherchiert vier Jahre lang Brox' Leben. Der Obdachlose wird zum Autor, es entsteht ein Buch, das aufarbeitet und unter die Haut geht. Ein weiteres folgt - gewidmet dem im Dezember 2022 verstorbenen Musiker Manuel Göttsching. Einer derjenigen, die Brox immer wieder Heimat und Hoffnung gegeben haben.
25.09.2023 How it all began - Radio Eins Elektro Beats on 1 October 2023 about the Vinyl Re-Release of the first Ash Ra Tempel album
On the occasion of the current Vinyl Re-Release of the first Ash Ra Tempel record from 1971, which was published under the band's name, Olaf Zimmermann dedicated a programme about "The Making of" including a historical interview with Manuel and music from the re-released Vinyl. You can listen to it here:

The album was produced in March 1971 in Conny Plank's "Star Studio Hamburg" and engineered by him. At the moment there is an exhibition dedicated to Conny Plank at the "Saarländische Galerie Berlin" from 13 October to 4 November 2023. See here.

Buying records...
© 1963 Peanuts Worldwide LLC
25.09.2023 Memories of Manuel Göttsching in Radio Eins - Elektro Beats on Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 10 PM CEST
On the occasion of the current Vinyl Re-Release of the first Ash Ra Tempel record from 1971, which was published under the band's name, Olaf Zimmermann dedicated a 1 hour programme about "The Making of" including a historical interview with Manuel and music from the re-released Vinyl. You can still listen to it online. (It's the second hour of the whole programme, starting at 01:14:30.)

Buying records...
© 1963 Peanuts Worldwide LLC
15.08.2023 First Ash Ra Tempel LP re-released on Vinyl
The first self-titled LP Ash Ra Tempel will be released on Vinyl as a "50th Anniversary Edition" on 29 September 2023 in two flavours: a classic black version and a limited edition with transparent vinyl. See the release information. Dealers please contact our distributor Word and Sound for both Vinyls (the black one and the transparent one). Please see the video to the release here. Other MG.ART releases distributed by WaS see here.

Cover Ash Ra Tempel (50th Anniversary Edition)
Cover Ash Ra Tempel (50th Anniversary Edition)
Inside Ash Ra Tempel (50th Anniversary Edition)
First reactions and press to the re-release see here.
15.08.2023 A 30-year-old Ashra concert on YouTube
On 11 May 1991 Ashra (Manuel Göttsching, Lutz Ulbrich and Harald Grosskopf) played an open air concert in front of the famous Cologne cathedral. A part of it has been published recently on YouTube.
28.04.2023 Le Berceau de Cristal and Die Mulde now available via Spotify
Two weeks after the release of Die Mulde, the timeless Ash Ra Tempel soundtrack Le Berceau de Cristal is now also available via the music streaming service Spotify.
03.04.2023 A very interesting interpretation of E2-E4
Four guys who called themselves Chess Medi Workshop for this project played a very creative interpretation of Manuel's E2-E4 during the Kampnagel Summer Festival in Hamburg back in 2018. One year later, they did it a second time in a Hamburg club and just recently they published an excerpt of this performance on YouTube:

27.03.2023 E2-E4 at the Paris Fashion Week 2023
At the Paris Fashion Week 2023 dresses were shown that used the cover of MG's record E2-E4 as a template. The clothes were presented to the music of this composition. International press reported about it, but also the German one, e.g. in the Zeitmagazin:

E2-E4 at the Paris Fashion Week 2023

"To close the show, Jun Takahashi wraped his models in a large checkerboard blanket (black and white, or beige and white), in homage to the German guitarist Manuel Göttsching." (Read more on Fashion Network).
19.03.2023 Australian radio show dedicated to Manuel Göttsching
On Monday 20 March 2023, the monthly radio show Tepid Rhythm on the Melbourne (Australia) based streaming platform Area 3000 dedicated a full two-hour programme to Manuel Göttsching, focussing on his life and musical ventures. After presenting some interviews and articles, host Luke Sevior played E2-E4 in its entirety during the second hour of the show. The radio show has been recorded, you can still listen to it on SoundCloud.
16.01.2023 In memoriam Manuel Göttsching and his musical life
On Friday, 10 February 2023 an evening dedicated to Manuel Göttsching will take place in the UfaFabrik, Berlin. At this event, the Danish guitar band Cirklen will play Inventions for Electic Guitar. A video recording of the whole event is now online.

For more information (in German) on the event see here. You are most welcome to be part of it! It starts at 20:00 CET, there is no entry fee. May Manuel be happy in heaven and R.i.P.!

Cirklen played this masterpiece at two concerts in Szczecin (Poland) and Copenhagen (Denmark) together with Manuel some years ago.

Listen to the announcement in Elektro Beats (in German):

and to the interesting interview with music journalist Chris Bohn from The Wire regarding this memorial event on Radio Eins (in German and English).

In Memoriam Manuel Göttsching
In Memoriam Manuel Göttsching

16.01.2023 E2-E4 - Die unsterbliche Partie (The Immortal Game)
Music, light, performance, dance in memoriam Manuel Göttsching. A dance show in Mannheim (Germany), performing Manuel's legendary album E2-E4.

Premiere/Opening Night: Thursday 9 February 2023, 19:30 CET
Other performances: 13, 15, 17 February 2023, 19:30 CET, 19 February 2023, 18:00 CET.
Location: Theater Felina-Areal, Holzbauerstraße 6-8, in the city centre of Mannheim.

For tickets call +49-621-3364886 or mail to
More information (in German):
See also the reviews in the German press (Rheinpfalz, Mannheimer Morgen).

E2-E4 - Die unsterbliche Partie (The Immortal Game)
12.02.2023 Interview with Chris Bohn from The Wire
Radio Eins did an interview with Chris Bohn, editor-in-chief of The Wire, regarding the memorial event for Manuel Göttsching held on 10 February 2023. It's still online (in German and English).

Interview with Chris Bohn
(Photo by Keiko Yoshida. More photos from this event on our photo page.)

Rest in Peace, Manuel Göttsching


Manuel Göttsching ist am 4. Dezember 2022 im Kreise seiner Familie friedvoll eingeschlafen.

Die Leere, die er hinterlässt, möchten wir mit seiner einzigartigen Musik und
Erinnerung an ihn füllen.

„Wenn Deine Finger die Saiten einer Gitarre erklingen ließen,
blieb die Welt stehen.
Möge sie stehen bleiben und Dich zu uns zurückholen,
jedes Mal, wenn wir Dich spielen hören.”

Ruhe in Frieden.

Surrounded by his family, Manuel Göttsching passed away peacefully on December 4th, 2022.

The void he leaves behind we want to fill with his music and loving memories.

"When your fingers touched the strings of a guitar, the world stood still. May it stands still and bring you back to us whenever we hear you play."


In Memoriam Manuel Göttsching

The Berlin-based radio station Radio Eins (Elektro Beats) dedicated a 2-hour programme to Manuel Göttsching and his music on Sunday, 18 December 2002 It's still available as a podcast.

Obituaries on Manuel Göttsching in international press

Radio Eins
"Playing the Long Game" (by "The Wire")
Der Spiegel
MiG Music
Echoes (USA)
Music Times (USA)
Stereogum (USA)
National Public Radio (USA)
Japanese press
Süddeutsche Zeitung
The Guardian
Le Monde
Zürcher Unterländer
Berliner Tagesspiegel
Berliner Zeitung
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger
Rheinische Post
ARD (Bayerischer Rundfunk)
Bernd Kistenmacher's website
A very personal note by author Richard Brox

29.11.2022 Early Water to be rereleased in 2023 on CD and vinyl!
The long deleted album Early Water by Manuel Göttsching and Michael Hoenig will be rereleased on CD and vinyl on 17 February 2023. This rerelease is already available via the usual digital platforms.

Early Water digital
07.11.2022 Manuel Göttsching talks in Mint's series The Soundtrack of my Life
Mint (see below) publishes in its November 2022 issue a one-page article where Manuel Göttsching shares some memories about his pre-Ash Ra Tempel time (in German) and the album by the Rolling Stones which inspired him to form his first band with Hartmut Enke.
05.11.2022 Austrian hard & heavy magazine reviews Join Inn
Stark!Strom is an Austrian rock and metal magazine featuring interviews, concert reports, record reviews and much more, mostly from heavy metal bands. On the same page as reviews from recordings of Ozzy Osbourne and Queensrÿche they write about Join Inn:
Blassgesichtige Trittbrettfahrer, die mit greller Genre-Kosmetik tiefe Falten des Authentizitätsdefizits kaschieren wollen, sollen weiter hohle Klanghüllen fabrizieren. Eine Antithese in Sachen stilistischer Pionierarbeit sind Originale wie Ash Ra Tempel. "Join Inn" von 1973 ist eine definitive Referenz dieser kosmisch-avantgardistisch-erfinderischen Krautrocklegende, jetzt als erstklassiges Re-Release auf 180-Gramm-Vinyl erhältlich. Mindtrips im Prog-Universum.
(The whole magazine can be read online. You will find the Join Inn review on page 42.)
05.11.2022 Some German reviews of the two new Vinyl releases
The German "magazine for vinyl culture" Mint published in their October 2002 issue reviews of the recently released 50th anniversary editions of Join Inn and Seven Up. You can read them here (as a PDF in German). The German progressive rock magazine Empire also published reviews of the two records in its current edition.
27.10.2022 A cassette label called "E2-E4 Records"
Did you know that there is a US cassette label and record store called "E2-E4 Records" which has been named after Manuel Göttsching's well-known record? It's located in Baltimore, Maryland and specialized in house/techno/ambient and other kinds of electronic music.
12.10.2022 Another German radio programme on the occasion of Manuel Göttsching's 70th birthday
(Only interesting for Manuel's fans who understand German and for music lovers from all over the world as music was also being played:)

Der süddeutsche Radiosender SWR 2 brachte zu Manuels 70. Geburtstag ebenfalls eine Sondersendung, samt Musik aus Amboss und E2-E4. Prof. Udo Dahmen, der künstlerische Leiter der Mannheimer "Popakademie", ordnet dabei die Musik in den historischen Kontext des "Krautrocks" und der elektronischen Musik ein. Die Sendung kann man nach wie vor auf der Website des SDR anhören.
04.09.2022 German 2-hour radio show on the occasion of Manuel Göttsching's 70th birthday
(Only interesting for Manuel's fans who understand German and for music lovers from all over the world as music was also being played:)

Olaf Zimmermann, Redakteur und Moderator der Sendung Elektro Beats im Berliner Radio Eins ehrte Manuels Musik und ihn selbst zu seinem 70. Geburtstag in einer zweistündigen Sendung am 11.09.2022. In dieser blickte er zwei Stunden lang auf Manuels musikalisches Leben zurück. Dabei spielte und kommentierte er Musik von Ash Ra Tempel und Ashra sowie Manuels Solo-Werke; darüberhinaus brachte er auch Interviews mit Manuel aus Archiven des Senders, von Beginn der Elektro Beats bis heute.

Die Sendung kann man nach wie vor auf der Website von Radio Eins anhören, sowie dauerhaft auf Podcast-Portalen.
07.08.2022 50th anniversary vinyl editions of Join Inn and Seven Up coming soon!
50 years after their initial releases, the Ash Ra Tempel recordings Join Inn and Seven Up will be re-released as vinyl-only editions on 9 September 2022.

Join Inn was the last recording of the "classic" Ash Ra Tempel line-up with Manuel Göttsching (guitars), Hartmut Enke (bass) and Klaus Schulze (drums). It was the last recording with Hartmut Enke before he stopped making music forever, and the last recording with Klaus Schulze where he played the drums.

This edition of Seven Up contains some previously unreleased photos and the original manuscript by Timothy Leary about the seven levels of consciousness.

Cover picture Join Inn (50th Anniversary Edition) Cover picture Seven Up (50th Anniversary Edition)

For more detailed information and music samples please visit the pages of these recordings on the website of our distributor (Join Inn, Seven Up). Resellers and journalists should contact For old and new reviews and articles concerning the re-released records (including Julian Cope's opinions from his book Krautrocksampler) see the discography or click the album covers above.
04.08.2022 "How to buy... Ash Ra Tempel"
Every month, the British music magazine Mojo publishes a list of essential records by an artist or a band in its How to buy article series. For the April 2022 issue, they chose Ash Ra Tempel. You can read the article here.
26.07.2022 In memoriam Klaus Schulze
(Only interesting for music lovers who unterstand German:)

Am Sonntag, den 31.07.2022 ab 21.00 Uhr erzählte Manuel Göttsching in der Sendung Elektrobeats auf Radio Eins von seiner Musiker-Freundschaft und Zusammenarbeit mit Klaus Schulze, der diese Welt viel zu früh verlassen hat. Musik von Manuel Göttsching und Klaus Schulze war natürlich auch zu hören. Die Sendung ist immer noch als Podcast auf der Website von Radio Eins abrufbar.

Das Schachportal Chessbase hat übrigens diese Sendung ebenfalls angekündigt.
Very sad news
Manuel Göttsching's longtime friend and music mate left this world.
Klaus Schulze
4 August 1947 - 26 April 2022
08.04.2022 Cologne concert scheduled for 11 April 2022 cancelled!
We're sorry to announce that Manuel Göttsching's concert at the "Achtbrücken-Festival" in Cologne scheduled for 11 April 2022 has to be cancelled due to short-term illness. There are plans to reschedule it.
21.03.2022 History of Electronic Music in Germany
If you're interested in some history of electronic music from Germany: The German radio station Deutschlandfunk Kultur recently broadcast a 3-hour feature about the beginnings of German electronic music in Düsseldorf (Kraftwerk, Neu!) and Berlin (Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze and Ash Ra Tempel; Manuel Göttsching's solo work E2-E4 is used as closing title!). You can still listen to it in its full length on their website (in German language).
09.02.2022 A recent Polish online programme with Manuel's E2-E4
We have found a recent Polish online programme about Manuel's E2-E4. If you are able to understand Polish - have fun:

W Gliwicach w ramach Centrum Kultury Studenckiej Politechniki śląskiej na kanale youtube Klubu Studenckiego Spirala Bogusław Ziębowicz i łukasz Kwaśniewski prowadzą wideobloga 1991. 1991 to rok graniczny między starą a nową muzyką. Każdy odcinek wideobloga to dwie płyty luźno ze sobą związane: jedna wydana przed 1991 rokiem, druga po 1991 roku. Wideobolga prowadzą od września 2021 roku. Ostatni odcinek poświęcony jest m.i. płycie Manuela Göttschinga E2-E4, opublikowany 26 stycznia 2022 roku. Jeśli śledzicie na Facebooku imprezy organizowane przez tych dwóch pasjonatów w CKS Mrowisko/Klub Spirala ("Covery, Inspiracje, Plagiaty" oraz "Soundtracki, z obrazem czy bez") to z pewnością zauważyliście, że kochają muzykę i uwielbiają o niej dyskutować. A wszystko zaczęło się od Dobrego Wieczoru z Płytą Winylową i Gliwickiej Giełdy Płytowej. Mimo, że dzieli ich dekada muzycznych doświadczeń i różne gusta muzyczne, to obaj są zgodni, że rok 1991 stanowi umowną granicę między nowym i starym:
"Consisting of one long piece, E2-E4 is unique in many ways. One can hear early traces of what would become techno and trance music. It's driving computer rhythms and subtly changing sequencer patterns are both hypnotic and innovative. [...] Some may hear it as an hour's worth of mindless repetition and constant noodling, while others may find it to be a pioneering piece of work that is among Manuel Göttsching's best. No matter what the opinions may be, E2-E4 is genuine, and set the trend for trance/dance music almost a full decade before it became one. A masterwork from an essential master."
(L. Bourland, "Beyond the Horizon", USA)

Manuel recorded E2-E4 on December 12, 1981 in a 1 hour session in his Studio Roma. It was released three years later.

And here is a present for its birthday:

20.11.2021 A UK review of the Schwingungen rerelease
The London-based online music news magazine Gigwise just reviewed the freshly released 50th anniversary edition of Schwingungen. It's called "An outstanding reissue" and you can read it on their website.

On our press review page you will also find another review in German, printed in the magazine Mint.
11.11.2021 Schwingungen featured in Radio Eins music programme
Olaf Zimmermann, host of the weekly electronic music radio programme "Elektro Beats" at the Berlin-based radio station Radio Eins, will feature the recently rereleased Ash Ra Tempel LP Schwingungen on Sunday, 14 November 2021, 21:00-23:00 CET. According to the playlist, a part of Schwingungen will be played at 22:21 CET. See also this Facebook link.

29.09.2021 Successful concert by Manuel Göttsching and Hans-Joachim Roedelius in Berlin
The concert with Manuel Göttsching and Hans-Joachim Roedelius at the "Zodiak Festival" in Berlin was a big success and sold out. The promoter even increased the number of tickets in order to meet the huge demand (German version).
05.09.2021 "Schwingungen" rereleased on Vinyl in celebration of its 50th anniversary
We proudly announce the 50th Anniversary Edition of Ash Ra Tempel's record Schwingungen, originally released in 1972 and considered today as one of the most important German krautrock albums. It contains as a bonus the original release info from 1972 (Ohr/Metronome).

Schwingungen record cover

Read Julian Cope's review in his book Krautrocksampler (Publisher: Head Heritage, 1995):
"Beware of Schwingungen!" That should be the large sticker on the front of all copies of this record. For it is dangerous to be casually introduced to something that is life-changing, as I found out to my cost when first listening to this record. It all starts fairly simply and without any cause for alarm - "Look at Your Sun" begins with a Doorsy lone groover guitar begins a pedestrian blues, beautiful. Then the most crushed voice, a cross between Johnny Rotten and Tiny Tim, preaches its way into the proceeds. God, it is beautiful - John L. repeats over and over, "We are all one, we are all one", until a howling fuzztone solo guitar blows the whole onechord "Signed D.C." ringing-cymbals torture to an end. And then the most far out track of all begins. This is called "Flower Must Die" and it is a free-rock giant that transcends everything else in its field (there are no contenders.) As I've written before, PIL sounds like this. John L. was John Lydon in a previous incarnation. After a slow weird build, a frantic streamlined one-chord mantra kicks in and it's like the Stooges' Funhouse period but in a Righteous Vision Zone that fucks them right off. Phasing tears at the whole tracks as this Holy Racket crosses into Hyper-space and everything gets all hyphenated just-for-the-sake-of-it. "Flowers Must Die", man, it's fucked up. Over on Side 2, the title-track ("Vibrations") begins poetically enough with Wolfgang Muller's epic and hugely reverbed vibraphone. Organ fades in and FX guitars, and time passes by. Finally, tom-toms roll and the developing pace is built upon until that great eternal chord sequence finally materialises - this is the one that Göttsching and Enke believed was the sound of heaven. They may have been right. And Schwingungen was a gift from the Gods."
From now on, the Vinyl is available in shops all over the world.
07.08.2022 A new and witty German online article about E2-E4
Heinz Markert from the Frankfurt-based online magazine ("for current affairs, film, art, literature and music") Weltexpresso recently wrote an article "E2-E4 mal wieder gehört" ("E2-E4 heard again"). You can read it (in German) on their website.
02.07.2021 E2-E4 chosen as "one of the 50 solo albums you need to know"
The German music magazine "Musikexpress" put in its July 2021 edition a list of the "50 solo albums you need to know". Manuel Göttsching's E2-E4 is one of them. Read it here.
05.09.2021 Manuel Göttsching and Hans-Joachim Roedelius playing in Berlin
On Sunday, 26 September 2021 Manuel Göttsching will play at the "Zodiak Festival" in Berlin, together with the 86-year old krautrock/electronics pioneer Hans-Joachim Roedelius, founder of bands like Cluster and Harmonia. Both musicians have never played together so far, so it will be a premiere!

You can find more information here: (also for tickets)
27.04.2021 Cologne concert postponed again!
Sadly, Manuel Göttsching's concert at the "Achtbrücken-Festival" in Cologne scheduled for 30 May 2021 has been postponed again. It is planned to reschedule it to a later date. See here in German and in English. We will keep you informed.
13.02.2021 An enthousiastic review of Gin Rosé!
The German online music magazine wrote a quite enthousiastic review of the Gin Rosé at the Royal Festival Hall re-release. Read it here (in German).

(Five years earlier, the same author wrote a review of the re-release of Friendship, the album with studio recordings in preparation for the Gin Rosé concert.)
03.12.2020 Electronic Beat Studio memorial to be unveiled in Berlin
The well-known film music composer and multiple Oscar award winner Hans Zimmer donates a memorial plaque in reminiscence of the Electronic Beat Studio. It was unveiled on 04 December 2020 in front of the Nelson Mandela school (Pfalzburger Straße 30) in Berlin-Wilmersdorf. Back in the years 1968 to 1984, the Electronic Beat Studio was located in the cellar of this building. This studio was the creative nucleus of the "Berlin school of electronic music", founded by Konrad Latte, director of the Berlin barock orchestra and led by the Swiss avantgarde composer Thomas Kessler. Bands like Agitation Free, Tangerine Dream and Ash Ra Tempel as well as solo artists like Manuel Göttsching, Klaus Schulze und Michael Hoenig have announced this music throughout the whole world.

The memorial plaque

See this report by the Berlin TV station ALEX, this press article and the video message from Thomas Kessler himself (in German):

An English translation of the plaque can be found on Jan Reetze's music blog.
03.12.2020 Gin Rosé introduced at German radio station NDR
On 26 November 2020, the German radio station NDR presented the just released Ash Ra Tempel vinyl edition of Gin Rosé at the Royal Festival Hall (see below) in its daily "neo classical/world music/pop/jazz/electronica" evening programme NDR Kultur Neo. You can still listen to it until 26 December 2020 via their website (starting at about 00:30:30).
07.08.2020 Gin Rosé for the first time released on vinyl and CD/DVD
Gin Rosé at the Royal Festival Hall is internationally available in a beautiful double gate-fold vinyl edition. The last common concert of Manuel Göttsching and Klaus Schulze, the founders of the Berlin based Krautrock band Ash Ra Tempel, took place in April 2000 at the Royal Festival Hall, London. Originally released on CD only in a limited edition back then, this is the first vinyl release ever. See also the release info at MIG Music (in German).

Cover of the Gin Rosé double LP

The CD release with a bonus DVD has meanwhile been released as well, including for the first time some original video material from the soundcheck and most parts of the concert.

The first reviews are already online (in Russian and in German). You will find them on the press review page. More reviews will be placed there as soon as we get to know about them. By the way: In 2017, Igor Malzeff did a video interview with Manuel in his studio (in English!).
07.10.2020 Interview with Manuel Göttsching in Elektro Beats
In celebration of the re-release of Gin Rosé (on CD with a bonus DVD and for the first time on vinyl), the Berlin radio station Radio Eins will broadcast an interview with Manuel Göttsching in their programme Elektro Beats on Sunday 11 October 2020 at 21:00 CEST. More information on their website, where a recording of this programme can still be listened.
06.10.2020 Inventions for Electric Guitar live with Circlen in Denmark
The "Festival of Endless Gratitude 2020" in Copenhagen is now over. Manuel Göttsching played his more than 45-year old recording Inventions for Electric Guitar together with the Danish guitar band Cirklen, rearranged for 7 guitars. There is a long review about the festival (in English) on the website of the Danish online music magazine "Passive/Aggressive", including of course a section of Manuel's concert with Cirklen.

The concert has been recorded by the organiser and published on YouTube:

07.08.2020 Inventions for Electric Guitar live with Circlen in Denmark
After performing his composition Inventions for Electric Guitar for the first time ever live in the Philharmonie of Szczecin/Poland with the great Danish guitar Band Cirklen a second concert with these wonderful musicians will take place in their home town Copenhagen as a part of the Festival of Endless Gratitude on Saturday, 12 September 2020.

Copenhagen 2020

30.01.2020 Where is my guitar?

07.05.2020 Pictures and poem by a fan
To comfort Manuel's and E2-E4's fans a bit Hellmuth Schomberg sent us two pictures from the 25th anniversary concert of E2-E4 at the Berlin Berghain (the first one in Germany!), together with a poem concerning Dream & Desire he wrote back in 1991, when this CD was originally released. Click on the links!
10.04.2020 Manuel Göttsching's next concert of his E2-E4 will take place during the Acht Brücken Festival on May 04, 2020 in the Philharmonie Köln.

Acht Brücken
The whole festival has been postponed due to the Corona virus situation! We're very sorry about that! (A new date is already in the works.)

30.01.2020 World Live Premiere of the entire Album "New Age of Earth" and "E2-E4" for the first time at the Cologne Philharmonie
Manuel Göttsching performs his 1976 recorded album New Age of Earth for the first time ever in its entirety.
"New Age of Earth" has been ranked among the greatest ambient albums of all time. The concert will take place at the Barbican Center London on April 04, 2020 as part of the RE-TEXTURED Festival. This concert had to be cancelled due to the Corona virus situation! We're very sorry about that!
29.12.2019 We wish everybody a Merry Xmas full of light & goodness!
As a little appetizer for the next year 2020 - we would like to tell you that Manuel will be live on stage again in Germany, Great Britain, Denmark etc. Also with a live world premiere!!! So stay tuned, and see you in 2020!

And here you see an unique video of "ASHRA live at UK Electronica 1985"!

It is the whole concert recorded by a fan - not the highest quality, but it's music history. Enjoy!

18.06.2019 Rerelease of Dream & Desire
Manuel's 1977 studio recording Dream & Desire, first released on CD in 1991, is available again in a carefully re-edited version:

Cover of Dream & Desire

You can order it from Manuel's distributor Word and Sound or directly from our shop for € 18 plus p&p. If you order more than one CD, you'll get a discount. Ask for conditions.

And here is the first review in the magazine EMpulsiv, written by Alfred Arnold (in German).
18.06.2019 "An accidental masterpiece"
Read the interesting article The story of E2-E4 – Manuel Göttsching’s accidental masterpiece by Tristan Gatward, published in the London-based music magazine Loud And Quiet.
06.05.2018 E2-E4 live at donaufestival 2018, Austria!
Manuel performed E2-E4 for the first time in Austria on May 05th, 2018 at the donaufestival in Krems. Here you can find the website.


27.03.2018 Manuel Göttsching and Ash Ra Tempel Experience at the Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg on 15.06.2018!
Manuel will perform E2-E4 as a soloist as well as with Oren Ambarchi and Shags Chamberlain "The Ash Ra Tempel Experience".
The Concerts will be part of the Elektronauten Festival.
Please find Tickets here.


12.12.2017 Today, 36 years ago - Manuel Göttsching recorded his outstanding masterpiece E2-E4
12-December-1981 - we say 'happy birthday'
10.12.2017 Some news from USA regarding Ash Ra Tempel Experience and Manuel's music in general
Two parts from Weirdo Music Forever online magazine:
The general interview part
The Live in Melbourne part
04.11.2017 E2-E4 live again!
Manuel Göttsching's next concert of his E2-E4 will take place during the Digitale Art Festival on November 16, 2017 in the Tonhalle Düsseldorf. Here a sample of the visualisation / video projection made by Lisa Heldmann, Patrick Kruse, Jonathan Rösen, Stephan Schröder, Linda Weidmann under the direction of Anja Vormann and Christian Banasik, HSD - institut bild.medien.

Don't miss to buy a ticket!
28.08.2012 Previous concerts of E2-E4 with links to video excerpts:
11. Manuel performs E2-E4 for the first time in Austria on May 05th, 2018 at the donaufestival in Krems. See a video excerpt filmed from the public by Reinhard Probst, a long time fan. More coming soon!)
10. UK premiere in Hebden Bridge, see also Inkfolk and The Wire
9. The Netherlands as the opening act of the Dekmantel Festival on July 30, 2015. Some video excerpts see here: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Video 5, Video 6
8. Poland premiere at the festival Sonic Fiction/przemiany on September 8, 2012. at the festival Sonic Fiction/przemiany on September 8, 2012.
7. E2-E4-Japan - Dommune's benefit concert on August 11, 2012.
6. E2-E4 at Museum Abteiberg on June 23, 2012. Interview before the concert and 10 min. excerpt of the performance here
5. Spain premiere at Electrónica en Abril in Madrid on April 12, 2012
4. China premiere in Peking at Art Zone 798 on November 1, 2008, filmed by fans
3. US premiere with the legendary Joshua Light Show in New York's Lincoln Center on August 15, 2008
2. Germany premiere on it's 25th birthday, December 12, 2006 in Berlin at Berghain
1. World premiere in Japan at Mt. Fuji (the first performance EVER) on August 27, 2006
Special Event on March 25, 2005 at Volksbühne Berlin with the contemporary music ensemble Zeitkratzer (also known from the performance of Lou Reeds' Metal Machine Music)

And here at UK music channel FACT tv, Manuel is talking on 15th September 2013 about the making of E2-E4

Olaf Zimmermann from RBB-radio has dedicated an hour program to Manuel's releases and concerts. The one in Düsseldorf is mentioned too, all in German language.

Other press before the concert at the Tonhalle in Düsseldorf: Westdeutsche Zeitung on October 30th, 2017, see here and here. More willl follow.

And here is the book about Manuel's music, that is selling quite well. It was written by Christian Wheeldon from UK and can be bought on his site. Have fun!

10.10.2017 In Japan Manuel has also quite young fans!

Young Japanese fan

This is Mion, Mami Konishi's daughter, who - you won't believe it - loves Manuel's music and plays herself on piano:-). Her mother Mami Konishi is a known musician from Japan, known under her artistic name MINGUSS. Here is Minguss' contact, in case you want to know her next musical plans....

06.10.2017 On October 8, 2017, Olaf Zimmermann dedicated Manuel 1h in his programme Elektro Beats
Manuel talks about the new release Ash Ra Tempel Experience, his music from the concert at the Arts Center, Melbourne, Australia that he performed with Oren Ambarchi, Ariel Pink and Shags Chamberlain. He also informs the fans about the next concerts and other releases, and of course you can hear some music. The whole programme can still be heard on the Radio Eins website (in German)!
07.09.2017 The Ash Ra Tempel Experience release
Ash Ra Tempel Experience Live in Melbourne, our new release (recorded in 2015) will be available in record shops on CD and Vinyl from 29 September 2017. If you want to get it earlier, you can already order it in our own shop.

cover picture
27.09.2017 Here are the first congratulations in the press!
This article (in German) was published on Manuel's birthday in the Swabian Heilbronner Stimme. Thank you, Jürgen Kümmerle!
17.07.2017 For the first time, Louis Vuitton Ready-to-Wear will be available for purchase online
Watch the video for a sneak peek! Music written and performed by Manuel Göttsching (E2-E4, 1981)
15.07.2017 Inventions For Electric Guitar in Szczecin
On April 27, 2017 Manuel performed for the first time his music from the album Inventions for Electric Guitar together with the Danish guitar band CIRKLEN. The concert took place at the Philharmonie of Szczecin. And here are two videos made from the public by Aleksandra Przybylska Kursa. Enjoy!



31.05.2017 E2-E4 live in Foligno, Italy!
Manuel will perform E2-E4 for the first time in Italy on June 30, 2017 at the Dancity Festival in Foligno. Here you can find the Facebook post they have published right now: Facebook Video DF 2017.

You are most welcome to attend:

01.12.2016 Welcome to Manuel Göttsching's evening at the Barbican Center, London on March 22, 2017
Manuel will perform E2-E4 as a soloist as well as with Oren Ambarchi and Shags Chamberlain ("The Ash Ra Tempel Experience"). More information here. Read what UK's music magazine The Wire writes about it!
09.02.2017 Manuel Göttsching, Ash Ra Tempel, Ashra will perform in Hongkong on March 27&28, 2017

Concert poster Hongkong

Concert poster Hongkong
01.12.2016 Welcome/Zapraszamy/Willkommen to the Philharmony of Szczecin, Poland on April 27, 2017!
As a world premiere Manuel will perform his Inventions for Electric Guitar with the great Danish guitar band Circlen. More information here. Don't miss this great event!

Here a video clip from the rehearsals in Copenhagen:

18.12.2016 Radio Special for E2-E4's 35th anniversary on December 12, 2016
On Friday, December 16, 2016 at 7 PM ET Radio Phonanza dedicated Manuel Göttsching and his E2-E4 a 2-hour special including an interview with MG and a lot of music. Whoever has missed it, please click here to listen at least to the 30 minute interview or here for the whole show.
18.12.2016 Two more German interviews with Manuel
Another interview with Manuel in the Ruhr Nachrichten as well as in MIXMAG (both in German).
18.12.2016 Thoralf Koss reviewing the new vinyl re-release of E2-E4
Thoralf Koss reviewed the the new vinyl re-release of E2-E4 in Harry Schmidt did the same in Groove.
30.10.2016 E2-E4 for the first time in Belgium!
On Saturday, November 26, 2016 Manuel plays in Ghent at Eastern Daze! See also on Facebook and don't miss it. It is his first concert in Belgium since 1977 and the 12th concert ever where he plays E2-E4. The first one was 2006 at Mt. Fuji in Japan.
06.10.2016 New rereleases on CD and vinyl!
In anticipation of the 35th anniversary one of electronic music's most influential recordings next year, the legendary E2-E4 from 12 December 1981 gets an official rerelease by Manuel Göttsching on his own label MG.ART, carefully overseen by the master himself!

Furthermore, Inventions for Electric Guitar and E2-E4 were rereleased on 180g vinyl. The latter is packaged in a beautiful embossed chess board artwork print cover, the inner sleeve contains artist pictures, a text by Manuel Göttsching and picture of a handpainted chessboard by Manuel's father.

The inner sleeve of 'Inventions' shows a first draft score of the track Pluralis.

Reissues on CD and vinyl
06.10.2016 The Radio Eins "Elektro Beats" show with Manuel Göttsching now online!
Listen to it here:
16.07.2016 Out now as first re-release after 10 years not being available: ASH RA TEMPEL - LE BERCEAU DE CRISTAL
The new CD has a different back cover and a booklet that also includes English liner notes beside the original French ones!
Orders welcome via e-mail to
Price excl. shipping: 18,00 €. For wholesale customers and shops: You can order the CD to our exclusive distributor: Word and Sound,
Le Berceau De Cristal
Ash Ra Tempel - Le Berceau de Cristal
MG.ART 132
Released July 2016
8 tracks
Recorded 1975 at Studio ROMA, Berlin, beside the title track "Le berceau de cristal" which was recorded on August 7, 1975 in Cannes at the Palais du Festival, during a live Ash Ra Tempel concert. It is the music to Philippe Garrel's movie from 1976 with the same title, starring Nico, Dominique Sanda and Anita Pallenberg. The music was released as CD only in 1993.
Line up: Manuel Göttsching and Lutz "Lüül" Ulbrich.
08.08.2016 Enjoy Manuel Göttsching in Trevor Reekie's radio show, New Zealand!
Some words
Audio version
On Facebook
08.08.2016 The Vinyl Factory introduces MG in 10 records
28.07.2016 For Manuel's fans who read German: "Ten facts about Ash Ra Tempel/Ashra" (original: "Zehn Fakten über Ash Ra Tempel/Ashra")
You can read this article in the German music magazine "Eclipsed" (no. 182) or here. It was published last year for the first time and now again. Thank you, "Eclipsed", but there is some information which isn't quite correct :-)

Fact 2: Since Manuel has founded his own label MG.ART he hasn't released his solo works any longer under Ash Ra Tempel or Ashra but under his own name. Check out at his discography.
Fact 3: The Steeple Chase Blues Band was Manuel's third band after The Bomb Proofs and Bad Joe, all with Hartmut Enke. The first one was The Bomb Proofs at the age of 14/15 where they mostly covered famous music titles, but they also started already with some improvisations. The second band Bad Joe was completely improvised free style, while with the third one, The Steeple Blues Band, they only referred in parts to some of their favourite blues schemes and scales. It was never a cover band as such, not even a true "blues band", because 80% was pure improvisation. Therefore the funny name.
Fact 4: It is not true that Manuel and Hartmut convinced Klaus Schulze to perform with them. In fact, it was the other way around: Due to the loudest sound system in Berlin which the young guys had bought in 1970 in London from Pink Floyd Klaus wanted to perform with them when he left Tangerine Dream.
Fact 10: The latest concert so far with Grosskopf and Baltes as Ashra took place in 2013 in Berlin. But this does not mean that it was the last :-) In 2014 Manuel performed with Lutz "Lüül" Ulbrich as Ash Ra Tempel at the E-Live festival in Oirschot music from their common album Le Berceau de Cristal, which has been re-released recently. Since August 2015 Manuel performed also with Ariel Pink, Shags Chamberlain and Oren Ambarchi as Ash Ra Tempel Experience (see their first concert at the Arts Center Melbourne (Australia). The European premiere was on June 4, 2016 at the Kilbi Festival in Switzerland. Other concerts will follow as well as a CD and LP of the Melbourne concert.
16.07.2016 An interesting remix of Shuttle Cock out now!
Daniele Baldelli has announced Volcano Extravaganza, a new EP with a bold re-imagining of Manuel Göttsching's legendary title Shuttle Cock from the album Blackouts, released in 1977 under the name of MG's band Ashra and not under his own name as it was actually Manuel's third solo work after Inventions For Electic Guitar and New Age Of Earth. Only 31 years later, in 2008 he changed this, re-releasing Blackouts as a Manuel Göttsching solo album. Volcano Extravaganza has been released by The Vinyl Factory on July 1st, 2016. You can hear Baldelli's epic remix of Shuttle Cock here or stream it with Baldelli's two own tracks here. Enjoy! For orders see here or here.

21.07.2016 New remixes of Sueño Latino
Based on Manuel Göttsching 's sample of E2-E4, Sueño Latino remains one of the most famous balearic anthems and house music classics. This is the new electronic Synthesis Mix made by one of the original producers of Sueno Latino: Ricky Persi with the collaboration of Riccardo "ohmguru" Rinaldi.
Orders welcome via e-mail to Price excl. shipping: 10,00 €.
Picture of Sueno Latino vinyl
25.04.2016 On Saturday, June 4, 2016 Ash Ra Tempel Experience at the Bad Bonn Kilbi Festival (Switzerland)
Together with Ariel Pink, Shags Chamberlain and Oren Ambarchi Manuel performs Ash Ra Tempel's music from the albums recorded in 1972. Schwingungen and Seven Up. It is the European premiere, the world premiere took place on August 8, 2015 in the Arts Center Melbourne/Australia. Here is a 5 minute trailer made by Manuel's technician Markus Schickel. Enjoy!
28.03.2016 Manuel on Portuguese TV
After his concert in Coimbra on March 4, 2016 enjoy Manuel in a programme at ESEC TV.
23.03.2016 March 18, 2016: Ralph Baumgartl in an interview with Manuel

Ralph Baumgartl writes: "In this interview Manuel, the pioneer of Berlin School of Electronic Music, is sharing many insights about his music and the development of the Electronic Music Scene in West-Germany during the 1970s. Together with Hartmut Enke and Klaus Schulze (ex Tangerine Dream) Manuel founded the legendary band Ash Ra Tempel in 1970. In 1974 he recorded his first solo masterpiece "Inventions for Electric Guitar", and his album "E2-E4" from 1981 is praised for its influential role in the development of House, Ambient and Techno Music of the late 1980s and early 1990s."

See also Christian Wheeldon's book below.
30.03.2015 Christian Wheeldon's book about Manuel's music is out!

The front side of the book The back side of the book
  • 156 pages
  • 95,000 words
  • Four pages of colour photographs
  • 12 black and white photographs/images throughout the text
  • Limited edition print run
Well over six years in the writing, this has been painstakingly pieced together but was also a real labour of love.
It covers the early years, Ash Ra Tempel, The Cosmic Jokers, Ashra and Manuel's solo career to date, and includes exclusive contributions from Harald Grosskopf, Lutz Ulbrich, Steve Baltes, Joaquin Joe Claussell, Steve Hillage and concert recollections from fans. More information on the author's page.
Here is a review on Factmag with two video interviews, but also The Wire announces it.

The book is priced:
UK: £11.99 + £3.00 p&p, Total = £14.99
Europe: £11.99 + £5.00 p&p, Total = £16.99
USA and Rest of World: £11.99 + £7.00 p&p, Total = £18.99
It is also available on Amazon and in our shop.
07.02.2016 Manuel for the first time ever in Portugal
On March 4, 2016 Manuel will perform his E2-E4 in the historical city of Coimbra at Teatro Académico Gil Vincente. You can find more more information here (both pages are in Portuguese).
14.12.2015 Roter Salon / Volksbühne, Berlin on Monday, December 21, 2015 at 9PM:
"Deep Distance - the Musical Life of Manuel Goettsching". In a multimedia show Chris Bohn (The Wire Magazine) introduces Christian Wheeldon's book about Manuel and speaks with him.
Don't miss this unique event!
10.11.2015 A one-hour contribution on radio BR2-Zündfunk to Manuel's E2-E4 by Ralf Summer
"It is the link between the Krautrock of the 70s and the electronic music of the 80s: the album "E2E4" by Manuel Göttsching from 1981. Based on only two chords it became the blueprint for Electronic Music and synth sounds in general."
Ralf speaks in his program from November 1, 2015 with Manuel about this legendary composition and what it meant for the development of music. And as background you can hear 1h long Göttsching's music:-)

02.11.2015 Manuel at Zündfunk Extra/Bayern2 radio channel
For those who understand German and missed the program about E2-E4 and Manuel in an interview with Ralf Summer: You can hear it here until next Sunday, November 8, 2015. Of course there is also a lot music by Manuel!
02.11.2015 ADE'15 Meet the Godfathers
As the only German Manuel contributed to this year's Amsterdam Dance Event, being part of the panel. Here is the video stream of this interesting one-hour show. The talk starts at 00'15'34 with Manuel's E2-E4 and ends at 01'13'12.
26.10.2015 Sunday, November 1 from 8.05 PM to 9.00 PM: Manuel at Zündfunk Extra / Bayern2 radio channel
Nearly 1h long you can listen to Manuel's music and to him talking with Ralf Summer at Zündfunk Extra / Bayern2. The interview took place in Munich when Manuel performed there at the theater Kammerspiele on January 24, 2015. Don't miss this interesting program!
29.10.2015 Videoclips from the concert at E-live
Here are some videoclips from the concert at E-live where Ash Ra Tempel performed music from mid 70s, including Le Berceau de Cristal:

A clip filmed and edited by Kris Miko on YouTube.
Two clips made by Jacek Kursa from the soundcheck and from the concert.
Three clips by Peter Dekker: #1 #2 #3.
You will also find some photos by Peter Dekker in our Photos section.

And here is a German article about this year's E-live with Ash Ra Tempel performing there. It was a great show and all who have missed it, enjoy at least the videos!
Manuel is one of them and speaks on October 15, 2015 at the ADE in Amsterdam. Don't miss this event!
14.10.2015 Photos from Hebden Bridge
We have put some photos from the Hebden Bridge show into our Photos section!
04.05.2015 Ash Ra Tempel (Göttsching/Ulbrich) at E-Live 2105 with music from 1975, including Le Berceau de Cristal
More information here. Don't miss this unique show!
03.10.2015 Some photos from the Katowice concert
There are some nice photos from the Katowice concert in our Photos section. Thank you, Leszek Postawka!
03.08.2015 E2-E4 for the first time in UK!
Inkfolk presents the first concert of E2-E4 in UK on October 3, 2015 in Hebden Bridge, check also in THE WIRE. Tickets can be ordered from August 4 at 11 am (UK-time) here. As the early birds tickets were sold out within 5 min. please make sure to get your ticket in time! Here you can see the beautiful artwork.
24.09.2015 Manuel performs on Tuesday, 29th September 2015 in Poland
For the 150 anniversary of Katowice Manuel plays a solo concert on the market place of the city but also with Jozef Skrzek's band SBB (Silesian Blues Band). Don't miss the concert when you are near!
24.09.2015 Manuel in an interview with Laura Marin from The Attic Mag
20.09.2015 Manuel Göttsching in ELEKTRO BEATS
On Wednesday, September 16, Olaf Zimmermann dedicated his entire program to Manuel and his music. The interview between him and Manuel was based on Christian Wheeldon's book DEEP DISTANCE - Manuel Göttsching's musical life which has been released this spring in UK. But Olaf spoke with Manuel also about his first concert in Australia, where he played with LA underground innovator Ariel Pink on bass and vocals, with multi-instrumentalist Shags Chamberlain and internationally renowned Australian artist Oren Ambarchi on drums (GER/USA/AUS). A landmark performance incorporating Manuel's legendary music from Ash Ra Tempel albums SCHWINGUNGEN and SEVEN UP as world premiere.
Another subject was Manuel's next concerts and plans for 2016, which are quite a few:-)
But now enjoy the entire program:

03.08.2015 Manuel Göttsching performs for the first time in Australia!
One of the godfathers of krautrock, early electronica and minimal techno performs his most celebrated and iconic repertoire that has endured the passage of time and influenced generations of musicians to follow. Composer and multi-instrumentalist Manuel Göttsching has long carved out connections between rock experimentalism, improvisation, cutting edge electronic production and minimalist classical. His iconic alter-egos Ash Ra Tempel and Ashra are mentioned in the same breath as Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream as absolute pioneers of their time across krautrock, new age and early techno and electronica. This concert traverses some of his most legendary works, across 1976's New Age of the Earth, 1981's E2-E4, 'Blackout' and 'Desire': a trance-inducing programme of electric glimmers that gradually build into complexity to produce an almost mystical aural encounter. "This is music for all seasons and all genres, for the mish-mash that is this new age of Earth." Village Voice

In a world premiere collaboration, Supersense brings together two renegades and innovators of their time: krautrock, electronic and new age pioneer Manuel Göttsching (Ash Ra Tempel, Ash Ra) and Los Angeles underground pop innovator, Ariel Pink for a set of hypnotic interplay and classic Ash Ra Tempel repertoire. Spanning generations but drawn together by their mutual interest in the outer regions of sonic experimentation, two musical iconoclasts of their time will come together to perform a devised set of reimagined and improvised repertoire. This unmissable landmark performance incorporates Gottsching's legendary music as 'Ash Ra Tempel' interwoven with group improvisation and new material in a world premiere ensemble featuring Manuel Göttsching, Ariel Pink, Melbourne via LA multi-instrumentalist Shags Chamberlain and internationally renowned artist Oren Ambarchi performing a rare drum kit performance.

More information about the festival here!
04.08.2015 Manuel Göttsching's E2-E4 live as the opening act of the Dekmantel Festival 2015 on July 30, 2015
It was the 9. concert of this music ever. Enjoy some fan videos of this concert:

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5
Video 6

10.06.2015 Manuel Göttsching's tribute to Edgar Froese
Edgar Froese, the founder of Tangerine Dream, died on January 20th, 2015 in Vienna. Some days later Manuel performed in Munich and dedicated spontaneously a tribute to him. Edgar would have celebrated his 71th birthday on June 6, so Olaf Zimmermann's radio programme Electrobeats on June 10 also became a tribute to Edgar and his musical work. Beside TD's music from a concert in Australia at the end of 2014, Manuel's tribute to Edgar was also played. Here is the show, Manuel's tribute starts after 90 min (the whole show is 120 minutes). You can hear it for 1 week, until the next issue of Electrobeats on June 16, 2015. Enjoy!
16.05.2015 Manuel Göttsching's E2-E4 opens the Dekmantel Festival in Amsterdam on July 30, 2015!
It is the 8th live performance of this track ever. Don't miss the chance to attend :-) Here is a picture of this great location!.
For the complete program and ticket order take a look on the festival website.
01.05.2015 Eberhard Panne as a guest in German radio programme
On Saturday, May 02, 2015 at 3:05 pm (CEST) Eberhard Panne tells in the German hr2 radio programme Musikszene Hessen about his collaborations with Manuel's band Ashra and with Klaus Schulze. Eberhard Panne also plays Ice Train, a track from Ashra's album Correlations which was recorded & mixed at his legendary studio in 1978 and released by Virgin Records in 1979.
Only in 2012 Manuel decided to perform music from this album for the first time live in Berlin. The concert has been filmed and the DVD Correlations in Concert was released. Not only Eberhard came from Frankfurt to attend this concert but also Mick Glossop from London, who was the producer of this album for Virgin. Both tell about their collaboration with Manuel and Ashra (but this is not the only bonus material on this DVD which you can order also at our shop). Surprise, surprise: Eberhard tells about a new collaboration... don't miss this radio show as live stream!
18.04.2015 Press to Manuel's concert at the Jazzhouse in Copenhagen
Before the concert
Reviews by Emilie Engbirk and by Mathias Nieslon
An interview with Manuel made by Jacob Pertou for Passive Agressive (also on his Tangerine Dream page)
Some photographs made by radio The Lake
07.04.2015 Do you know E2-E4's story behind Sueño Latino?
For all who missed Olaf Zimmermann's "ElektroBeats" on April 1, 2015, there is another chance to listen to Manuel who is talking about it. Online until midnight on Wednesday March 8, 2015. Two tracks of the re-released Sueño Latino will also be played during the radio show!
01.04.2015 Do you know E2-E4's story behind Sueño Latino?
Manuel tells it today in Olaf Zimmermann's "ElektroBeats" on April 01 from 11pm - 01am (CEST). Re-broadcast: April 03 from 01am - 03am (CEST). Radio stream here.

Don't miss it! It is a quite funny story :-) And two tracks of the re-released Sueño Latino will be also played during the radio show!
02.02.2015 Manuel for the first time live in Denmark!
On March 27, 2015 at 9 p.m. Manuel Göttsching will play at Copenhagen's JazzHouse. More information about the concert on their Facebook page or at Passive/Aggressive.
01.03.2015 Sylvain Mazars' interview with Manuel Göttsching in TRAX
Two pages of Sylvain Mazars' interview with Manuel have been published in the December 2014 print edition of the French music magazine TRAX. Here is the whole interview with nice videos (in French). Enjoy!
02.02.2015 Manuel Göttsching performs Die Mulde in memoriam to Edgar Froese
On January 24, 2015 Manuel performed at Munich's theater Kammerspiele as part of their series Kraut & Drastik. A couple of days ago Edgar Froese died - both knew each other from Thomas Kessler's Beatstudio in Berlin of the Sixties - and Manuel dedicated a track from his album Die Mulde to him. But previously, Manuel recalled an episode, in which Edgar will be remembered by him forever.
R. I. P., Edgar!

04.12.2014 Two forthcoming Manuel Göttsching concerts in 2015!
On January 24, 2015 at 8 PM MG will perform his first concert in Munich's theatre Kammerspiele as part of Kraut & Drastik. Tickets will be available here from December 16. Please order soon, as the seats are limited.

On March 27, 2015 he will play in Copenhagen's JazzHouse. More information to follow.
01.12.2014 Ash Ra Tempel's Friendship re-released by MG.ART
This album was the result of the last collaboration between the original founders of Ash Ra Tempel, Manuel Göttsching and Klaus Schulze. Invited by Julian Cope, author of the Krautrocksampler they prepared their concert at the Royal Festival Hall, London on April 2, 2000, dedicated to the band's 30th anniversary. The first edition was sold out soon and not available for many years. Due to the numerous requests we have decided to re-release this album in a new dress for Xmas 2014. The CD is available in regular shops, but you can order it also here.

Gin Rosé, the live CD of the concert to be re-released next year!

New 'Friendship' cover
27.09.2014 "Midnight on Mars" from the DVD Correlations In Concert on Saturday 27, 2014 on TV in California
The show starts from 6 PM to 8 PM Pacific USA Time (the same as California) Check out also on facebook: Rock Evolucion Mexicali
24.09.2014 Review of the Gorlice concert
Marcin Melka wrote a very nice review of my concert at the Ambient festival in Gorlice/Poland. So far we had the Polish version - for those who can read it. In the meantime and shortly before my concert at E-Live here is his English text. Enjoy and join us at E-Live. See also below!
06.09.2014 Meet the Germans - Interview of the Month September 2014
Travelwriter Rory MacLean talked to the musician Manuel Göttsching in Berlin - Interview of the Month.
Here also in German the frontpage of the Goethe Institute London and the article.
06.09.2014 5 top albums by Manuel Göttsching
Now live!
06.09.2014 And the following two links are for next weekend's Bestival:
‘Announcement’ on CAS site and on the Bestival site.
29.07.2014 E-Live 2014 on 18th October with Manuel Göttsching!
Ron Boots announces Manuel's concert in Oirschot (Netherlands): "Main Act for the evening on E-Live is none other than Manuel Göttsching. I am honored and proud to have him on our stage! One of the founding fathers of electronic music! Founder of ASHRA and truly one of the EM legends!"

More information
Ticket information
09.06.2014 Manuel's interview with Thodoris Dimitroulas from May 27, 2014 for Hit Channel is online!
You can read the Greek version and the original English version. Enjoy, as there are some interesting news... :-)
09.06.2014 Ash Ra Tempel performs Le Berceau de Cristal
On September 13, 2014 a very unique concert will take place at the Château Langlais (France) - better known under the old name Château de Puisseguin - in the heart of the famous Saint Emilion wine region. Manuel Göttsching & his guest musician Lutz Ulbrich will perform their music to Philipe Garrel's film Le Berceau de Cristal, starring Velvet Underground singer Nico, Anita Pallenberg and Dominique Sanda. Find a music trailer here.

Another guest of this extraordinary gathering for COSMICCAGIBI's 20th anniversary is the French icon guitarist Richard Pinhas. But also the Paris based band Camizole "1975" will fight with their rough vintage analogue synths and Delia Plissken will open the party with its German style power, cinematic roots and French kick. You can buy your tickets here. For more informations please contact Olivier.
06.01.2014 Manuel Göttsching in Blow Up!
There is a Manuel Göttsching special of 10 pages in the January 2014 issue of the monthly Italian magazine Blow Up. It is the cover story. Don't forget to buy it! It is available in every shop with international press or online here.

Cover of Blow Up magazine
01.01.2014 Thoralf Koß reviews Live at Mt. Fuji for Xmas and New Year! Enjoy!
P.S. Don't miss the new Ashra-DVD: CORRELATIONS in Concert, see below!
26.12.2013 Manuel's concert from July 13, 2013 at the Ambient Festival in Gorlice soon on Polish TV!
From December 31, 2013 until January 6, 2014 the local TV station in Polish Galicia will show the concert one week long regularly on TV, but also on Internet. By the way, Manuel said that the version of Sunrain which he played there was his best performance of this piece ever! All fans who do not live in Poland might enjoy the concert and performance of Sunrain here (from 31 December 2013 on). Have fun! And a Happy New Year to you all!
11.12.2013 It's Christmas Time! - Papa Noel is coming!
From December 06, 2013 until January 1, 2014 all items from our shop are available for 20% less and a present is included. For more informations and where to order check out here.
27.10.2013 E2-E4 review on YouTube
E2-E4 reviewed by Tony as part of his MRC series on youtube. Enjoy!
22.10.2013 Radio Aspekt presents in its "program 3" on Saturday, October 26, 10 PM:
Manuel performing "Dream" and "Midnight on Mars" live at this year's Ambient Festival in Gorlice, Poland on Saturday, July 13, 2013. To make the closing event of the festival special he brought his legendary analogue Farfisa Synthorchestra to perform on it for the first time since decades. Enjoy the video teaser of the wonderful concert! And don't miss the radio program on Saturday!

And those who speak Polish, please read also here:
"W najblizszej audycji Czarno-Biale Klawisze w Radiu Aspekt, w sobote 26.10.2013 r. o 22:00 (GMT+2h) zostana zaprezentowane fragmenty koncertów, jakie mialy miejsce w biezacym roku na festiwalu Ambient Music w Gorlicach. Wsród wykonawców pojawil sie takze Manuel Göttsching, ze swoja nieodlaczna gitara, ale tym razem takze z kultowym, analogowym syntezatorem Farfisa Synthorchestra. Ten wystep, zamykajacy festiwal w Gorlicach, smialo mozna okreslic jako wspaniale i niezapomniane wydarzenie. Zgodnie z wyborem sluchaczy audycji wysluchamy obszernej kompozycji Dream oraz Midnight on Mars. Serdecznie zapraszamy. Prezentacji mozna wysluchac korzystajac z playera on-line na stronie, program 3."

10.10.2013 Musical greetings from the Ambient Festival in Gorlice, Poland
The local TV will transmit the concert. We will inform you about the date.
08.10.2013 DIE MULDE - a new review by Thoralf Koss
The CD is available at our shop. Enjoy the beautiful music!
05.10.2013 Experimental Rock and Electronic Music in Germany
Lecture by Jacobo Celnik in Bogota on October 8, 5.30 PM - 6.45 PM. Especially mentioned is Manuel Göttsching's music :-) Thanks, Jaco!
28.06.2013 Forthcoming concerts by Manuel solo or with his bands ASHRA / ASH RA TEMPEL in 2013:
On Thursday, September 5, 2013 Manuel will perform solo in London at OVAL SPACE

Please see the article on Manuel and the concert in The Guardian.

The event starts at 8 PM, Manuel plays at 10 PM, and we hope to see you all there!


Biba Kopf, The Wire in an interview with MG:


It is Manuel's first concert in London after 13 years, where he performde in 2000 at the Royal Festival Hall, invited by Julian Cope. But instead of playing a solo concert as it was planed, Manuel decided to invite Klaus Schulze and to perform as ASH RA TEMPEL in memoriam of the 30th aniversary of the band, which he founded together with his friend Harmut Enke and Klaus Schulze in 1970. The concert was later released on a CD as ASH RA TEMPEL: GIN ROSE at the Royal Festival Hall. Some funny pictures find here.

ASH RA TEMPEL'S concert of Le Berceau de Cristal scheduled for September 28, 2013 has been postponed as the Japanese Metemorphose Festivals won't take place this year.

Other concerts are currently in discussion ...for example an orchestra version to F.W. Murnau's silent movie from 1921 Schloss Vogelöd (Haunted Castle)

25.07.2013 Correlations in Concert Album of the Month!
Ashra's Correlations in Concert DVD was selected as album of the month December 2014 by the German music magazine eclipsed.

Wire Wire

Performed in 2012 at ufaFabrik it is the first concert by Manuel Göttsching & his band ASHRA for 12 years in Berlin.

It is a high quality video of the first concert performance of the legendary ASHRA LP "CORRRELATIONS" produced 1978 by Manuel Göttsching in collaboration with the awarded UK music producer Mick Glossop for VIRGIN RECORDS; recorded at the Panne-Paulsen-Studio, Frankfurt/M. In addition to the concert there is bonus material with informations what makes this album immortal and an 8-pages booklet with numerous photographs. End of August the DVD will be available in German shops, but also worldwide. Don't hesitate and order now in our shop.

21.06.13 Forthcoming concerts by Manuel solo or with his bands ASHRA / ASH RA TEMPEL in 2013:
On Saturday 13 July 2013, 8.30 pm Manuel plays his solo greatest hits at the Ambient Festival in Gorlice/Poland.
Find an interview with Manuel here.


22.07.2013 Manuel performed for the 4th time im Poland
It was at the Ambient Festival in Gorlice/Poland, and for his wife who is traveling with him to all his concerts it was the best performance:-) Here an interview with Manuel before the concert, and here are some fan video excerpts to give you the feeling how it was.
20.06.13 PRIVATE TAPES for the first time on stage in the UfaFabrik on June 15, 2013
What a great concert it was! Here you can see some excerpts filmed by fans. And what a suprise it was when Jozef Skrzek, Manuel's friend and head of the famous Polish band SBB - Silesian Blues Band - appeared at ASHRA's concert at the UfaFabrik and joined the band for two tracks. Here the videos filmed by fans: "Niemand lachts rückwärts", Encore: "Deep Distance".
In the meantime there are wonderful reactions and photographs from the concert on facebook, but there is also a fantastic review by Jeremy Dunn on the planetgong forum. And an article by Sylvain Mazars about Manuel, the band and the concert. Enjoy!
07.04.2013 Manuel Göttsching's New Age of Earth on CD Baby
There are some CDs remastered by MG of this title left on CD Baby. You can order them here. Don't miss this option as we do not know when this title will be re-released again. The price is not 18 € as in Europe, but 18 $!
28.04.2013 On June 5, 2013, 11pm on Radio Eins "Electro Beats"
MG will speak with Olaf Zimmermann about his concert on Sa, June 15, 8 PM in Berlin at the ufaFabrik (see below) and the idea behind it. You will be also informed about the new releases: the DVD of the transmediale concert with the Joshua Light Show and the DVD of the "Correlations in Concert" at the ufaFabrik - both concerts from 2012. The DVDs will be ready for the concert at the ufaFabrik, in shops available a bit later. And last but not least, MG will also speak about his next concerts and plans...
Don't miss the program!
21.01.2013 Rare Manuel Göttsching on CD Baby:
The sold out CD Dream & Desire and some of E2-E4 CDs are available at CD Baby. You can order them until February 5, 2013 here. The prise as number is the same as in Euro, but this on CD Baby it is in Dollars.
19.01.2013 A new e-mail address!
Thanks to our special friends, the spammers, we had to change our contact e-mail address. If you want to get in contact with us, please use the new address mentioned on our imprint page. The old address isn't valid anymore. Mail sent to this address will be lost!
05.01.2013 Attention
The date for the concert of Le Berceau de Cristal with Ash Ra Tempel's music for Philippe Garell's film, starring Nico, Anita Pallenberg, Dominique Sanda and performed by Manuel and Lüül can not be confirmed as planned for February 10, 2013 due to some important reasons. We are very sorry for this and kindly ask you for patience. This concert will happen for sure! We will let you know the new date in the very next future.
05.01.2013 Forthcoming concerts by Manuel Göttsching solo or with his band Ashra in 2013
As Manuel's concerts are usually sold out quickly, we recommend to order tickets immediately here. We're looking forward to seeing you at the ufaFabrik in Berlin and the other places to be announced soon...
18.12.2012 It's Christmas time!
Manuel Göttsching's label MG.ART is very proud and happy to announce the new DVD release:
"Manuel Göttsching & Joshua Light Show live at transmediale.

In addition to the entire concert of 90 min. with the titles Big Birds, Dream, Lotus and as encore Oyster Blues, a new track, composed for this event, the DVD includes as bonus an interview with Manuel Göttsching & Joshua White, head of the Joshua Light Show, and "The Making of the Light" - a very rare material filmed backstage during the concert! The DVD will be available at the end of January 2013. The regular price will be 25 €, pre-ordered until December 31, 2012 the price is 20 Euros only.
Those who preorder this DVD will additionally receive the following items from our shop for the following special price, as our Christmas & New Year's gift:
  • each single CD will be 15 € only,
  • each double CD will cost 22 € instead of 25 or 27 €,
  • each DVD will cost 10 €,
  • each Vinyl: 15 €,
  • the "Correlations Complete" 5 CD-Box: 40 €,
  • the "E2-E4 live Japan" CD/DVD: 48 €,
  • the Mini CD: "E2-E4 live" you will get for 7 € only.
MG.ART complete catalogue at: our shop.

Payments for this pre-order are only due in January 2013, each buyer will receive a separate email for his payment, confirming his order. Pre-orders are welcome at

Happy Christmas time
wishes Manuel Göttsching and the MG.ART team
12.11.2012 Some excerpts from Manuel's E2-E4 concert in Madrid
Visuals created live by Rod Maclachlan.
28.10.2012 The FREEDOMUNE Special with Manuel Göttsching on Dax TV
Dommune in an interview with MG before his E2-E4-Eternity concert on August 11, 2012 in Japan, dedicated to victims of the Tsunami and Fukushima. Both speak about the danger of nuclear power, but also about "The Making of SEVEN UP", a film project that MG's film production company CV Films Berlin prepares.

Watch the interview on Dax TV or on youtube.
And enjoy an excerpt from the FREEDOMMUNE concert on Dax TV, on youtube and on Vimeo, as due to GEMA only this link works in Germany.

28.10.12 Daisuke Konno's T-shirt with an anti-nuclear power message for the festival
You can order it in the artist's shop, but a limited number of big sizes, signed by MG, is also available in our shop. A part of the money is contributed to orphans and animals of Tsunami and Fukushima.
22.10.2012 October 19, 2012, 7:00 PM in a factory in Mouans-Sartoux @ Cote d'Azur
Some young and nice people met there to listen together to E2-E4 played from Vinyl. Here are some photographs from this public listening which Philippe Gamba from the médiathèque de mouans-sartoux, the person who organized the event, sent to Oliver Bégué from Cossmiccagibi. The photographer is CLEMENT MORLOT and here are the photographs.
19.10.2012 E2-E4 on 19.10.2012 at 7:00 PM @ Cote d'Azur
Don't miss this public listening and enjoy!
13.10.2012 Dax TV presents the FREEDOMUNE Special with Manuel Göttsching
MG in a TV-interview with Dommune and on youtube. Both also speak about "The Making of SEVEN UP", a film project that Manuel's film production company CV Films Berlin prepares at the moment.

Excerpt from the E2-E4-Eternity concert on TV and on youtube. Unfortunatelly due to GEMA both do not work in Germany but everywhere outsite. In Germany, you can see it here.

23.09.2012 Uciekajace nutki Manuela Göttschinga / MG's soaring notes
Piotr Sulkowski dedicates Manuel a picture based on one of his photographs from the E2-E4-concert in Warsaw. Thank you, Piotr!
15.09.2012 Thank you, Anja Spindler for your incredible birthday present
15.09.2012 Transmediale Blog
Laura H. Zurriaga created and posted one video for every day of the transmediale to show her impression. This video blog was supported by Realeyz TV, the transmediale festival and club transmediale (CTM). Click here to see the clip about Manuel!
13.09.2012 THANK YOU! DANKE!
David Strauss from Ex-Berlinerer Magazine congratulates Manuel for his birthday with a cake.
And wow! Heiko surprised him with pralines in the E2-E4 chess-board design.
Manuel has decided to share this wonderful present adding one of the sweets to every item that is bought by you in our little shop for as long as they last - so hurry up!

To thank you all for your birthday wishes everything in the shop will be reduced by 20% until the end of September.
See you at the next concert, more information will be announced shortly, also about the film on Manuel which is in development...

12.09.2012 First reviews of the E2-E4 concert with the Joshua Light Show on September 8, 2012 at the Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw as part of Sonic Fiction - przemiany festival 2012 - which he and his crew enjoyed a lot!

Damian Koczkodon's review in his music blog elmuzyka (scroll down for the English version), which is also dedicated to Manuel's music in general. writes: "A pity for this special place, the good sound, nice visuals, an interesting idea for a program - but with the exception of Göttsching's concert, Sonic Fiction was a solid disappointment, not to say - a waste of time." (Polish: Szkoda wyjatkowego miejsca, dobrego naglosnienia, ladnej oprawy wizualnej, ciekawego pomyslu na program - z wyjatkiem koncertu Göttschinga, Sonic Fiction okazalo sie solidnym rozczarowaniem, zeby nie powiedziec - strata czasu.)

Even if we do not agree with the author's resume of this year's Sonic Fiction festival, it is nice to read that for him Manuel Göttsching's concert was the only one worth going :-)

More to follow....

Here are two video clips from the concert made by fans:
Clip 1
Clip 2

08.09.2012 Announcing the concert:
Gazeta Wyborcza honores Manuel and his work.
Informations about the concert also in the Polish rock magazine Teraz Rock.
In the article "Wszystkie odloty Manu" (All of Manu's high-flights) T-Mobile Music congratulates Manuel Göttsching for his 60th anniversary and announces his concert in Warsaw enthusiastically.
30.08.2012 Long Summer Night in Warsaw on the Vistula river
Manuel Göttsching & Joshua Light Show perform E2-E4 as its Poland premiere and as highlight of the przemiany Festival! The concert starts on Saturday, September 8, 11 PM MET, and from midnight on we celebrate maestro's 60s anniversary...
Polish press: Teraz Rock, Gazeta.
Some photos of the Copernicus Science Center where the event will take place.
29.08.2012 A Rare Occasion - Meeting Manuel Göttsching
Lodown Magazine visited Manuel in his historical Berlin studio
23.08.2012 Ash Ra Tempel up for a laugh!
Manuel Göttsching's „Traummaschine“ a track from his first Ash Ra Tempel album is played in the British comedy quiz show "Lucky Sexy Winners" on Channel 4, hosted by the famous comedians Vic & Bob. The show started on August 23, at 10 pm BST, and can be watched online on Channel 4 on demand for the next 30 days. Please scroll down to "Episode 1 - Vic & Bob's Lucky Sexy Winners".
23.08.2012 Ash Ra Tempel up for a laugh!
“Traummaschine” from the first Ash Ra Tempel album is played in the British comedy quiz show "Lucky Sexy Winners" on Channel 4, hosted by the famous comedians Vic and Bob. The show is on tonight, August 23, at 10 pm BST, which is 11 pm MET, and can be watched online on Channel 4 on demand for the next 30 days. Have fun!
29.06.2012 E2-E4-Japan
On August 11, 2012 Manuel Göttsching performed E2-E4 in Japan at Makuhari Messe, Chiba, as part of Dommune's benefit concert for orphans who have lost their families in the earthquake in Japan on March 11th, 2011 and its aftermath. The concert has been streamed all over the world, and we asked our fans for donations. But as there were some countries where it was not possible to see it, we will upload the stream soon to additionally help the victims. Thank you in advance for your support!


Space Shower TV has filmed the performance and interviewed MG before. A mixture of both will be shown as an 1 hour programme on Japanese TV in Septembert 2012. We will inform you about the date with a link soon. In the meantime please check out some excerpts of the concert filmed by fans. Some photographs you can see here.

And here is a Japanese blog with reactions to this concert and two videos.

04.03.2012 E2-E4 30th anniversary:
For it's very birthday on December 12, 2011, THE WIRE dedicated the cover story of its December issue to the 30th anniversary of this groundbreaking album. The author Keith Molinè also features Manuel's legendary bands Ash Ra Tempel/Ashra. By the way, how do you like Manuel as a Chess figure?

To read the article please click on the cover.

29.06.2012 E2-E4-Japan
On August 11, 2012 Manuel Göttsching will be performing E2-E4 in Japan at Makuhari Messe, Chiba, as part of Dommune's benefit concert for orphans who have lost their families in the earthquake in Japan on March 11th, 2011 and its aftermath. The entry is free, and the concert can be seen via live stream from all over the world. We kindly ask you to donate here. It will go directly to those in need. Thank you in advance for your support!


Tower Records Japan is the main sponsor this event!

30.06.2012 E2-E4 at Museum Abteiberg
Mönchengladbach, June 23, 2012: Before the concert Manuel Göttsching spoke with Düsseldorf's art channel about music, art and life style. Scrolling down the linked page, you can enjoy the music & maestro in a 10 min. video excerpt.
29.06.2012 Previous concerts of E2-E4 with links to video excerpts:
1. World premiere in Japan at Mt. Fuji (the first performance EVER) on August 27, 2006
2. Germany premiere on it's 25th birthday, December 12, 2006 in Berlin at Berghain
3. US premiere with the legendary Joshua Light Show in New York's Lincoln Center on August 15, 2008
4. China premiere in Peking at Art Zone 798 on November 1, 2008
5. Spain premiere at Electrónica en Abril in Madrid on April 12, 2012
6. Second Time in Germany at Museum Abteiberg in Mönchengladbach on June 23, 2012
Special Event on March 25, 2005 at Volksbühne Berlin with the contemporary music ensemble Zeitkratzer (also known from the performance of Lou Reeds' Metal Machine Music)
01.07.2012 AshRa at ufaFabrik, Berlin
On June 8, 2012, Manuel's band performed at this historical location as a re-union of the band after 12 years, but also celebrating the release of the album CORRELATIONS COMPLETE which actually started here in 1978. The territory was abandoned and empty since the end of the war and young musicians like Manuel used it as a rehearsal space, before it was occupied in 1979 and an art center has been established. Enjoy some excerpts of the fantastic AshRa concert, filmed by fans: Icetrain / Flying Turtles / Morgana da Capo, Pas de Trois / Phantasus / 'new track' / Oasis, Club Cannibal / Blackouts.
01.07.2012 MG & Joshua Light Show at Berlin's HKW
On February 4, 2012 they performed together as the hig light of the transmediale music festival. See some excerpts of the concert filmed by fans here: Big Birds, Dream, Lotus, Encore - a new track, composed for this concert, which will be released as a CD-DVD-box soon. Watch out!
21.06.2012 Surprise! Surprise!
The Abteiberg Museum makes a live stream of Manuel’s E2-E4-concert possible! Join us on Saturday, June 23 at 9 PM (CET) here. And after the show please let us know how you liked it.
13.06.2012 After concert is before concert: Manuel Göttsching solo at museum Abteiberg!
On June 23, at 9 PM Manuel will perform E2-E4 at the famous postmodern art museum Abteiberg in Mönchengladbach near Düsseldorf and Cologne. It is the second time that he performs this masterpiece in Germany - the German premiere took place on Dezember 12, 2006 on E2-E4's 25th very birthday in Berlin's Berghain - and the 6th time wordwide. This time we celebrate the album's but also the museum's 30th anniversary, don't miss this event! The entry is free.

Find more information on the event in english here, for German check out here.

Anja Caspary will announce the concert in tomorrow's (21.06.12) "Depeche Pop" on radio eins at 1.15 PM.

The UK art magazine FRIEZE announces it here and Christian Wheeldon, Manuel's biographer, mentioned it to THE GUARDIAN blog.

And see these links for clips of previous E2-E4 concerts:

-WORLD PREMIERE in Japan at Mt. Fuji (the first performance EVER)
-GERMANY PREMIERE on it's 25th birthday in Berlin at Berghain
-US PREMIERE with the legendary Joshua Light Show in New York?s Lincoln Center at Lincoln Center
-CHINA PREMIERE in Peking at Art Zone 798
-SPECIAL EVENT with the contemporary music ensemble Zeitkratzer (also known from the performance of Lou Reeds' Metal Machine Music) at Volksbühne Berlin

13.06.2012 Manuel Göttsching on radioeins with Anja Caspary
On Wednesday June 6, two days before the concert with his band AshRa at Berlin's ufaFabrik he spoke with Anja about the making of the album CORRELATIONS - the first one that he has released with AshRa on VIRGIN RECORDS - and it's connection with the concert venue, known first of all as the place where German films were born in the 20s. You can listen to the interview and to some music from this album here:

Press and Reviews of the AshRa concert here soon!

13.06.2012 Order your music!
Some leftovers of the CORRELATIONS LP can be ordered here, a remastered CD of this title is to be released soon. Also available is a limited edition of a 5-CDs-box, the CORRELATIONS COMPLETE, which contains the history of this album in sound, pictures and text, check it out here.
28.01.2012 The first 5 Ash Ra Tempel albums are re-released and remastered by Manuel:

The Tokyo Tower Shop Kuraiya is cellebrationg the new re-releases. Please see here, and check the news there occasionally.

28.01.2012 And Holger True dedicates a great article to the first 5 albums of the legendary band Ash Ra Tempel in Hamburger Abendblatt

02.01.2012 The first album of Ash Ra Tempel in the Krautrock charts of the Good Times Magazine
09.11.2011 SEVEN UP and Manuel Göttsching in the French daily newspaper Libération
It was Summer '72 when Manuel's band Ash Ra Tempel & Timothy Leary met on a farm in Switzerland to prepare the album Seven Up. Manuel tells about the meeting in the Summer Special of the French daily newspaper Libération. In 2012, 40 years after the session, a documentary will trace what happened to all the artists with their dreams and hopes....
07.06.2012 Manuel Göttsching was guest in Anja Caspary's programme on radioeins on Wednesday June 6.
You can listen to the interview and to the music untill June 13, here you will learn from what Manuel tells how the album CORRELATIONS - the first one he has released with his band AshRa on VIRGIN RECORDS - was produced, and what ufaFabrik has to do with it, the location where AshRa's Berlin concert takes place :-). More about it below.
Starting at 6 pm (18.00 Ihr) DJ Kaos supports the concert. WELCOME also to this great event!!!

P.S. You can order the limited edition of CORRELATIONS COMPLETE, a 5-CDs-box, which contains the history of this album in sound, pictures and text here or directly at the concert location!

05.06.2012 Manuel Göttsching live in Anja Caspary's programme on radioeins on Wednesday, June 6, 2-2.30 pm (14.00-14.30)
He will speak about the concert with his band AshRa on Friday, 8th June, 8 pm (20.00) at Berlin's historical place, the ufaFabrik, but also about other performances to come & about new activities and plans. See the location's site and flyers in English and German below. You can listen to the interview and to his music via livestream or on radio (the frequency from Berlin is: 95,8 MHz). Enjoy!
04.03.2012 After 12 years Manuel Göttsching & his band ASHRA are performing in Berlin!
Harald Grosskopf, Steve Baltes and Manuel Göttsching look forward to see you on June 8, 2012 at 8 PM at the Ufa Fabrik! See the official flyer in German and in English.

More information about locations, ticket reservation etc. in German. For infos in English check out here. As Manuel's concert at the transmediale on February 4, 2012 was completely sold out, don't hesitate and order now! Tickets are available for the price of 20 €, reduced for 16 €.

Ticket infos:
  • Berlin public can purchase tickets directly in the ufaFabrik and the relevant pre-sale locations.
  • Nationwide, tickets can be purchased by bank transfer with subsequent post.
  • International guests can make a reservation by phone or mail, tickets are available at the venue on concert night (phone: +49-30-755030, e-mail:
22.04.2012 "Manuel Göttsching - Klassiker", a new music series on Radio Eins dedicated to Manuel's "Classics"
On Manuel’s birthday, September 9, 2010 Elektro Beats started a new section where Manuel in person presents his most famous albums. In the 10th part of the series on April 25, 11 PM, Manuel presents the album "Starring Rosi". Don't miss it!
04.03.2012 E2-E4 30th anniversary CD:
The 30th anniversary edition is finally available all over the world, but also at our shop.

For E2-E4's 30th birthday a very limited DVD-CD-set of the first live concert of E2-E4 ever is also available in our shop. The concert took place for the album's 25th anniversary at Mt. Fuji in Japan. E2-E4 Live in Japan was released with a detailed booklet in English & Japanese and with bonus material. Check out the video clip.

In March, 2005, E2-E4 was performed by the renown contemporary Zeitkratzer ensemble and Manuel Göttsching on classic guitar at the Volksbühne Berlin. Check out the video trailer. The CD is available in our shop. The concert is planned to be released as a DVD-CD set with a nice booklet and bonus material.

- Alain Patrick from Brasil interviewes Manuel about E2-E4's for its 30. anniversary in his Electronic Standards.
- And Juan from Barcelona dedicates a block to E2-E4.
- Alexis Waltz congratulates in Süddeutsche Zeitung.

- And Christoph Klemp contributes to it in Ruhrnachrichten:

15.04.2012 The Madrid concert
After Manuel's great concert at "Festival Electrónica en Abril" in Madrid on April 12, 2012 where he performed E2-E4 for the 5th time ever, please find some clips filmed by fans: No. 1 and No. 2.

You can also see Manuel on Spanish TV as well as in Spanish famous radio programmes: At Atmósfera - Manuel Göttsching y Filastine - 15/04/12 - on RTVE, Radio 3, starting at 9'48. And here are some photographs and an mp3 file.

But there are also great articles:

El Mundo, an interview with MG on the day of the concert,
El Mundo announces the concert on April 10, 2012,
El País writes a one page article about E2-E4 on Sunday, 8th April 2012,
Bigtimers announces the concert, as well as Playground Mag and Rock de Lux.
09.04.2012 Manuel Göttsching performs E2-E4 for the first time in Spain!
On the night of April 12, 2012 at 9 PM he opens with his "master piece" the "Festival Electrónica en Abril" at La Casa Endendida in Madrid. And of course not only Madrid based fans of E2-E4 & Göttsching's music are welcome to this exclusive event. We hope to see you all at the 5th performance of E2-E4 ever, celebrating also the album's 30th anniversary! More information at Bigtimers, Playground Mag & Rock de Lux. And here also the biggest Spanish newspaper El País writes about E2-E4 and this very special event.
19.03.2012 Manuel Göttsching performs E2-E4 live in Madrid!
After concerts at Metamorphose/Japan, Berghain/Germany/, Lincoln Center/USA and 798 Space Beijing/China Manuel Göttsching plays for the 5th time ever his master piece on April 12, 2012 in La Casa Endendida, opening the "Festival Electrónica en Abril" And of course not only Madrid fans of E2-E4 & Göttsching's music are welcome at this exclusive event! Find more information at Bigtimers, Playground Mag and Rock de Lux.
27.04.2012 "Manuel Göttsching - Klassiker", a new music series on Radio Eins dedicated to Manuel's "Classics"
On Manuel’s birthday, September 9, Elektro Beats started a new section where Manuel in person presents his most famous albums. Below the links to each programme from the recent to the first one.

On April 25, 2012 in the 10th part of the series Manuel presented the album Starring Rosi.

On February 29, 2012 Join Inn was showcased:

On December 15, 2011 Olaf showcased: Seven Up:

On December 14, 2011, Olaf Zimmermann celebrated the 30th anniversary of E2-E4.

On October 26, 2011 Manuel spoke with Olaf about Schwingungen:

On August 24, 2011 he showcased: Ash Ra Tempel, the very first album of his band:

On May 18, 2011 Belle Alliance was the subject of the show:

On March 16, 2011 Blackouts was showcased:

On January 26, 2011 Manuel and Olaf spoke about New Age of Earth:

On November 24, 2010 he showcased: E2-E4:

And as mentioned above, all started on September 09, 2010 when Manuel introduced his first solo work Inventions For Electric Guitar:

10.07.2012 Fabricio Carvalho in an interview with Manuel
Please read the interview at Astronauta Pinguim, in English and in Portuguese.
19.08.2012 Manuel Lemos Muradás interviews Manuel
Please read it in English or in Spanish.
19.03.2012 Manuel Göttsching speaks with Alexander Kipke from online magazine Metal Trails. Enjoy!
19.03.2012 A Polish review of New Age of Earth, written by Kubeusz.
16.04.2012 A review by Thoralf Koß about Ash Ra Tempel's album Join Inn in
26.02.2012 Part 9. of "Manuel Göttsching - Klassiker"
At midningt (CET) from Wednesday to Thursday, on February 29 & March 1, 2012 listen to Olaf Zimmermann's music series on Radio Eins, since September 2010 dedicated to Manuel Göttsching's "Classics". This time Manuel talks about "Join Inn", the 4th album and re-union of Ash Ra Tempel which has only be re-remastered by MG and re-released by his label. On Friday, March 2, you can listen to the Olaf's programm via livestream from 2 AM (CET).
04.03.2012 Christian Wheeldon, an author from the North of England is writing on Manuel’s biography:
It is possible to follow his work in this blogspot, which also includes a lot of interesting news!
04.03.2012 Manuel's first solo album Inventions for Electric Guitar (1974) is out, remastered by maestro!
On Sunday, 19th February, 2012 Manuel spoke with Thomas Edlinger from Austrian radio FM4/ORF about how he created this album but also about "E2-E4" - both titles re-released on Manuel's label MG.ART. Listen to it on the programme "Im Sumpf". There you also can listen to 3 exclusive excerpts from Manuel's recent concert with Joshua Light Show at this year's transmediale at HKW in Berlin, on February 4, 2012 - Enjoy!

The first ever live concert of this composition for 4 electric guitars took place in September 2010 at the Metamorphose Festival in Japan, with Elliott Sharp, Steve Hillage, Zhong Shouwang and Manuel Göttsching performing. You can watch the track PLURALIS, filmed and emissioned by Japanese Music TV - thank you, Terutado Murao!
20.02.2012 Manuel on Austrian radio FM4/ORF
On Sunday, 19th February, 2012 Manuel spoke with Thomas Edlinger about how he created his albums "E2-E4" and "INVENTIONS FOR ELECTRIC GUITAR" , both titles recently re-released on Manuel's label MG.ART. Listen to the programme "Im Sumpf" incl. 3 exclusive excerpts from his recent concert with Joshua Light Show at this year's transmediale in the HKW in Berlin, on February 4, 2012 - and enjoy!
18.02.2012 Sunday, 19th February, between 9PM and 11PM (CET)
Manuel in an interview with Thomas Edlinger in "im sumpf", a programme on Austrian radio FM4/ORF (Frequency in Vienna: 103,8). Manuel speaks about his music in general but also about his concert with Joshua Light Show at this year's transmediale. And of course excerpts from the concert are played. You can listen to the programme also via stream here. click on Radio Live in the right hand corner and enjoy!!
18.02.2012 MG's music and interview with him on radio in Mexico and Argentina - Part 1+2
You can download the 1st part of the show here and the 2nd part here.
15.02.2012 MG's music and interview with him on radio in Mexico and Argentina - Part 2
Wednesday, February 15th, 8 PM, Mexican Time (Thursday 16th, 3 AM CET):
Manuel in a radio programme in México

Friday, February 17th, 11 PM Argentinian Time (7 PM CET):
Manuel in a radio programme in Argentina

Saturday 18th, 9 PM Argentinian Time (Sunday 19th, 1 AM CET):
Manuel in a radio programme in Argentina

Sunday, February 19th, 7 PM Mexican Time (Monday 20th, 2 AM CET):
Manuel in a radio programme in México

You can download the 1st part of the show here and the 2nd part here.
12.02.2012 MG's music and interview with him on radio in Mexico and Argentina!
You can download this radio show here!

Part 2 next week!

12.02.2012 A review of Manuel's concert with the Joshua Light Show
by Volker Lüke in Berlin's newspaper TAGESSPIEGEL

And here Manuel tells us what he has done last week:

12.02.2012 Manuel Göttsching on German radio:
Radio Eins, 01.02.2012:

Deutschlandfunk, Corso, 03.02.2012:

Deutschlandradio Kultur, Breitband, 04.02.2012:

09.02.2012 MG's music and interview with him on radio in Mexico and Argentina
Wednesday, February 8th, 8PM, Mexican Time (1 PM CET) Manuel in a radio programme in Mexico

Friday, February 10th, 11 PM Argentinian Time (7 PM CET) Manuel in a radio programme in Argentina

Sunday, February 12th, 7 PM Mexican Time (noon CET) in a radio programme in Mexico

You can download this radio show here!
19.01.2012 Live Streaming at 9PM CET on Sa, 4th February 2011!
For those who can not attend Manuel's concert with the Joshua Light Show in Berlin at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt as part of the transmediale here is the link to the live stream. See on the right "What's on? Live Streaming". Enjoy!
19.01.2012 Don't miss this very special event!

01.01.2012 How do you like MG as a Chess figure?
THE WIRE dedicates the cover story of its December issue to the 30th anniversary of Manuel's groundbreaking album E2-E4. The author Keith Molinè also features Manuel's legendary bands Ash Ra Tempel/Ashra.

To read the article please click on the cover.

02.01.2012 Happy New Year to you all!!!
There will be some concerts by Manuel solo or with his band Ashra this year.
The first one will take place on Saturday, February 4th, 2012 at 9 PM where Manuel Göttsching will perform with the legendary Joshua Lightshow from New York at Berlin's Haus der Kulturen der Welt, highlighting the Transmediale festival. For more details check out here. Don't miss this special event and order your tickets immediatelly here. Last time when Manuel performed in Berlin at Berghain houndreds of fans could not get in due to space restrictions.... The prise for the concert is 20 Euro, reduced 17 Euro. Manuel is happy to welcome you!
27.12.2011 A nice site for Manuel's music by Alain Patrick from Brasil. Enjoy.
26.12.2011 Some recent articles, blogs and radio programs:
Holger True writes about Ash Ra Tempel and the first 5 by Manuel Göttsching re-released albums of his legendary band in Hamburger Abendblatt

04.01.2012 1979 Manuel for the first time used the Dynacord DRS 78 - and he has it until today, read more in Sound & Recording

17.12.2011 Great article about E2-E4 in the Süddeutsche Zeitung by Alexis Waltz

17.12.2011 and in Ruhrnachrichen by Christoph Klemp

17.12.2011 And Alain Patrick from Brasil interviews Manuel, writing about E2-E4's 30 anniversary in his Electronic Standards
23.12.2011 It's Christmas Time - Papa Noël is coming and bringing a nice article in Hamburger Abendblatt on the first 5 re-releases of Ash Ra Tempel!

17.12.2011 Manuel Göttsching on radio:
Saturday 17th December, 3 PM: Manuel Göttsching talks with Sascha Ziehn about E2-E4 on Deutschlandradio.

Friday 16th December, 7 PM: Manuel talks with Andreas Barth on Phonanza

October 29th, 2011, Manuel live at Terry Hawkes's radio program Terry Hawkes's radio program from October 29, 2011:

30.11.2011 From December 1, 2011 until January 1, 2012 all items from our shop are available for 25% less
With each order you receive a free DVD as bonus. Please choose one of the following:

Ashra - Live at Herzberg
Manuel Göttsching - Wroclaw live
Manuel Göttsching - Postcards from Japan

And if you order for more than 100 Euro one of the following CDs is also yours for free:

Manuel Göttsching - Live at Mt. Fuji
Joe Claussell meets Manuel Göttsching (CD or LP)
E2-E4 performed by the Zeitkratzer ensemble feat. Manuel Göttsching

Shipping costs and possible paypal fee must be covered by you. For more information have a look here.

MERRY XMAS to you all!

17.12.2011 Saturday 17th December, 3 PM: Manuel Göttsching live on Deutschlandradio, talking about E2-E4 with Sascha Ziehn
17.12.2011 Manuel Göttsching on radio:
Saturday 17th December, 3 PM: Manuel Göttsching live on Deutschlandradio, talking about E2-E4 with Sascha Ziehn

Friday 16th December, 7 PM: Manuel talks with Andreas Barth on Phonanza

17.12.2011 Wednesday 14th December 11PM: Radio Eins celebrates E2-E4's 30th anniversary in the first hour of Elektro Beats

From midnight on, Seven Up is showcased, where Manuel also speaks about a planned documentary on "The making of SEVEN UP"

Check also, when scralling down this site at: "Manuel Göttsching - Klassiker", a new music series on Radio Eins dedicated to Manuel's "Classics"

And here are 2 nice articles for the 30th anniversary of E2-E4 in Süddeutsche Zeitung and in Ruhrnachrichen

12.12.2011 December 12, 2011 - it is the 30th anniversary of E2-E4!
Not only the below mentioned cover article in the December edition of THE WIRE is dedicated to E2-E4 due to its 30th anniversary. Other magazines, news papers and radio programs will tell about this compostion which is one of the most influential in history of contemporary music.

Dublub in Los Angeles, Radio Progressivo in Mexico, Electronic Standards in Brasil, Corso at Deutschlandfunk, Funkhaus Europa at WDR in Cologne and of course Olaf Zimmermann's Electro Beats on Radio Eins and Andreas Bartz at Phonanza FM are commemorating this unique piece. Links to the other mentioned programs will be added as soon as we know them.

Enjoy Monday with E2-E4! And who knows, maybe Manuel Göttsching will perform E2-E4 also in your country in 2012! A few concerts are planned :-)


17.12.2011 Wednesday 14th December 11PM: Radio Eins celebrates E2-E4's 30th anniversary in the first hour of Elektro Beats

From midnight on, Seven Up is showcased, where Manuel also speaks about a planned documentary on "The making of SEVEN UP"

Check also, when scralling down this site at: "Manuel Göttsching - Klassiker", a new music series on Radio Eins dedicated to Manuel's "Classics"

08.11.2011 Manuel Göttsching as a Chess figure on the cover of THE WIRE
THE WIRE dedicates the cover story of its December issue to Manuel Göttsching - known also as Mr. Ash Ra Tempel - and to the 30th anniversary of his groundbreaking album E2-E4. Manuel's legendary band is featured too.

The article will be uploaded soon.

16.12.2011 Manuel live at Terry Hawkes's radio program from October 29, 2011:
05.03.2012 Press reviews before and after the concert with Joshua Light Show at transmediale:

By Volker Lüke in Berlin's newspaper TAGESSPIEGEL

Deutschlandradio Kultur, Breitband, 04.02.2012:

Deutschlandfunk, Corso, 03.02.2012:

Radio Eins, 01.02.2012:

09.11.2011 The Ash Ra Tempel albums are finally out!
The first 3 re-mastered by Manuel Göttsching ART re-releases, Ash Ra Tempel, Schwingungen and of course Seven up are internationally available again, in shops, online but also at our shop where you can order not only those items, but the whole cataloque. Check it out!
25.10.2011 Manuel Göttsching's Classics on Olaf Zimmermann's "Electrobeats" at Radio Eins
In the night from Wednesday to Thursday, Ocotber 26/27, 2011 Radio Eins-"Electrobeats" will broadcast part 7 of the Manuel Göttsching Classics Series. This time Manuel will talk about the second Ash Ra Tempel album Schwingungen. Broadcast time: 11 pm - 01 am (MESZ/CEST). The program will be repeated in the night from Thursday to Friday, but you can listen to it also on livestream. ENJOY!
19.09.2011 A new article about Manuel in UK magazine Tank by Paul Davis. Enjoy!

Tank Tank
16.09.11 There is a new interview with Manuel on Funky Jeff's blog. Enjoy!
08.09.2011 Because of his birthday on September 9, Manuel has a present for you :-)
For 10 days, until September 19th, you can buy all items in our shop for Dollars and not at listed for Euros. It means that an album which usually costs 18 Euro, is available for 18 Dollars only in this time period. Don't miss this great opportunity!
04.09.2011 Pat Murphy's LA radio station Alien Air Music plays today Manuel's composition Echo Waves from his band's Ashra first live performance in Japan in 1997.
The program starts at 9 PM (California time) and Echo Waves is the second track, starting aprox. at 9:15 PM, see the track list and enjoy the music! Echo Waves is originally a track from Manuel's frist solo album INVENTIONS FOR ELECTRIC GUITAR from 1975. The album from the live performance in Japan has been released in 2008 on Manuel's label MG.ART as @shra + @ashra. You can order it at our shop, today for only 25 Dollars instead for 25 Euro!
28.08.2011 The show goes on: Manuel Göttsching's Classics on Radio Eins - part II of the series:
In the night from Wednesday to Thursday, August 24/25 at 00.00 Manuel spoke with Olaf Zimmermann in Elektro Beats about the very beginnings of his musical career as Mr. Ash Ra Tempel and the first album Ash Ra Tempel.
Here you can listen to the program:

The presentation of the first 5 albums by Ash Ra Tempel will follow within an interval of 2 months.
26.08.2011 Sunday, August 28th:
Hawke Chill Out Sessions
Session 4: 1am to 2am BST / 2am to 3am CET / 5pm to 6pm PDT (Saturday)
1. Ashra: Echo Waves (excerpt): CD Live In Japan (1997)
2. Klaus Schulze: The Crystal Returns (excerpt): CD Big In Japan
3. Klaus Schulze: Sequencers Are Beautiful (excerpt): CD (see 2)
4. Manuel Gottsching: Sunrain (excerpt): CD Live @ Mount Fuji
19.08.2011 The show goes on: Manuel Göttsching's Classics on Radio Eins - part II of the series:
In the night from Wednesday to Thursday, August 24/25 at 00.00, Manuel speaks with Olaf Zimmermann in Elektro Beats about the very beginnings of his musical career as Mr. Ash Ra Tempel and the first album Ash Ra Tempel. The program will be repeated one night later, at 2.00 on August 25/26. And as always you can listen to it on livestream. The presentation of all 5 albums by Ash Ra Tempel will follow within an interval of 2 months.
24.07.2011 The French daily newspaper Libération dedicates an article to Ash Ra Tempel & Timothy Leary!
It was Summer '72 when Ash Ra Tempel & Timothy Leary met on a farm in Switzerland to prepare the album Seven Up, which Manuel Göttsching has now remastered and re-released on his label MG.ART.

He has also remastered and re-released: Ash Ra Tempel, Schwingungen, Join Inn, Starring Rosi and his first solo album Inventions for Electric Guitar. All the titles were not available for a while and can now be ordered in our shop. Those who order all 6 titles will receive as bonus a film about Manuel: Postcards from Japan by Kinga Kielczynska, edited by Markus Schickel. Check out the trailer. If you already have this DVD or don't want it, we can send you the DVD of the concert in Poland: Wroclaw Live, here is the trailer or Ashra - Live at Herzberg.
02.09.2011 For Japanese Fans
The only shop in Japan which has the remastered first 5 Ash Ra Tempel albums and Manuel's Inventions for Electric Guitar (see below) is Gen Fujita's KURAIYA in the Tokyo Tower Wax Museum. Check them out!
08.08.2011 Dear Con, have a good trip to Eternity!
Jules Perrin, a French film maker, has dedicated a video to Conrad Schnitzler, he filmed him at his home and eidited it in Paris. Enjoy this nice souvenir.

In an interview from 2007 Conny speaks about music and musicians. Manuel is also mentioned, please scrall down to his name. By the way, it was Conny's old VW bus which Manuel bought 1970 after he completed 18 years old and has made his driving licence. This was not only his first car, but it became the very essential band bus of Ash Ra Tempel.

07.07.2011 Manuel Göttsching: E2-E4 Live in Japan
In 2006, Manuel Göttsching performed his legendary composition E2-E4 for the frist time live since it's recording on 12.12.1981 (it was first released in 1984). The concert took place at Mr. Fuji in Japan, and was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of E2-E4. In 2009, a CD-DVD-set with a detailed booklet in English and Japanese was released as a limited edition of 3000 PCS: 2500 for Japan and 500 for Europe & the rest of the world. Japanese had an exclusivity of 2 years to sell their quantity, now that their license time is over our 500 PCS are ready to be shipped to you!
Please order at our shop, but before buying it you can check out the video clip which is a bonus part to the CD-DVD-set. Enjoy!

Most of our CDs are also available at CD BABY, USA. Check out at Manuel Göttsching or Ashra. The new Ash Ra Tempel re-releases will be available there soon.

26.06.2011 The remastered re-releases of the first 5 Ash Ra Tempel albums and Manuel's 1 solo album are out!
Ash Ra Tempel, Schwingungen, Seven Up, Join Inn, Starring Rosi and Inventions for Electric Guitar are finally out, and you can buy the CDs here.

Ash Ra Tempel Schwingungen Seven Up Join Inn Starring Rosi Inventions For Electric Guitar

Those who order all 6 titles will receive as bonus a film about Manuel: Postcards from Japan by Kinga Kielczynska, edited by Markus Schickel. Check out the trailer. If you already have this DVD or don't want it, we can send you the DVD of the concert in Poland: Wroclaw Live, here is the trailer or Ashra - Live at Herzberg.

26.06.2011 Shorts of the month!
What a great short film based on ECHO WAVES from the album Inventions for Electric Guitar - thanks Rob for making it!
Manuel back stage before the 25th anniversary concert of E2-E4 at Berghain - thank you Pavel for editing it!
26.06.2010 Live in concert:
E2-E4 performed by the renown contemporary Zeitkratzer ensemble and Manuel Göttsching on classic guitar at the Volksbühne Berlin in March 2005. Check out the video trailer.

PLURALIS from Inventions for Electric Guitar performed in September 2010 in Japan by Elliott Sharp, Steve Hillage, Zhong Shouwang and Manuel Göttsching at the festival Metamorphose and filmed by Space Shower TV - enjoy!

14.05.2011 Re-Releases of Inventions for Electric Guitar and of the first 5 Ash Ra Tempel albums
The re-release of Ash Ra Tempel, Schwingungen, Seven Up, Join Inn, Starring Rosi and Inventions for Electric Guitar will be ready for shipping beginning of June. Pre-buy your copies here. Thanks for your patience! The CDs are re-mastered as much as this is possible with aprox. 40 years old tapes and vinyls:-)

Ash Ra Tempel Schwingungen Seven Up Join Inn Starring Rosi Inventions For Electric Guitar

09.08.2011 Juan from Barcelona dedicated a block to E2-E4
15.12.2010 Christian Wheeldon, an author from the North of England is writing Manuel’s biography:
It is possible to follow his work in this blogspot, which also includes a review and photographs from the event at STEREO in Glasgow. Enjoy!
26.11.2010 "Manuel Göttsching - Klassiker", a new music series on Radio Eins dedicated to Manuel's "Classics"
On September 9 at 00.30, Elektro Beats started a new section where Manuel in person presents his most famous albums.

In his first broadcast, on September 09, 2010 Manuel introduced Inventions For Electric Guitar.

On November 24, 2010 he showcased: E2-E4.

On January 26, 2011 he showcased: New Age of Earth.

On March 16, 2011 he showcased: Blackouts.

On May 18, 2011 he showcased: Belle Alliance.

On August 24, 2011 he showcased: Ash Ra Tempel.

And on October 26, 2011 he showcased: Schwingungen.

14.05.2001 18.05.2011 "Manuel Göttsching - Klassiker", a new music series on Radio Eins dedicated to Manuel's "Classics"
Next Wednesday, on May 18, you can listen to the fifth part of the "Classics" series dedicated to Manuel Göttsching by Radio Eins in Olaf Zimmermann's Elektro Beats. The program starts at 11 PM and ends at 1 AM. Starting at midnight Manuel will tell us about the history of Belle Alliance, an album originally from 1980 which Manuel's label MG.ART in 2008 released as the one time edition double CD Belle Alliance Plus including 3 bonus tracks: Flying Turtles, Voices of Heddernheim, and Urscreamer. Belle Alliance Plus is available also at our shop.

You can listen to the radio show worldwide on internet via live stream. The programme will be repeated in the night from Thursday to Friday, May 18, from 2 AM - 3 AM.
Just to remind you: Electro Beats started this programme where Manuel in person presents his most famous albums on September 9, Manuel Göttsching's birthday :-)

Belle Alliance

10.03.2011 16.03.2011 "Manuel Göttsching - Klassiker", a new music series on Radio Eins dedicated to Manuel's "Classics"
Next Wednesday, on March 16, you can listen to the fourth part of the "Classics" series dedicated to Manuel Göttsching by Radio Eins in Olaf Zimmermann's Elektro Beats. The program starts at 11 pm and ends 1 AM. This time Manuel will tell us about the history of Blackouts.
It will be repeated in the night from Thursday to Friday, March 18, from 2 AM - 3 AM. The CD is available also at our shop. You can listen to the radio show worldwide on internet via live stream.
Just to remind you: On September 9, Manuel Göttsching's birthday :-) - Elektro Beats started this programme where Manuel in person presents his most famous albums.
22.01.2011 Re-Releases of Inventions for Electric Guitar and of the first 5 Ash Ra Tempel albums in April
Due to important reasons the re-release of the first Ash Ra Tempel albums: Ash Ra Tempel, Schwingungen, Seven Up, Join Inn, Starring Rosi and of Inventions for Electric Guitar had to be postponed. But they will be available in April for sure. Sorry for the irritations and thanks for your patience!
Pre-buy your copies here.

Ash Ra Tempel Schwingungen Seven Up Join Inn Starring Rosi Inventions For Electric Guitar

20.03.2011 Ash Ra Tempel - Sitzkissen-Konzert 1975
On Sunday, 20 March, at 12:00 to 13:00, the Radiostation Byte FM will broadcast the Ash Ra Tempel Sitzkissen-Konzert from the 15.11.1975. You can listen to it at the Livestream.
23.01.2011 26.01.2011 "Manuel Göttsching - Klassiker", a new music series on Radio Eins dedicated to Manuel's "Classics"
Next Wednesday, on January 26, you can listen to the third part of the "Classics" series dedicated to Manuel Göttsching by Radio Eins in Olaf Zimmermann's Elektro Beats. The program starts at midnight and ends 1 AM. This time Manuel will tell us about the history of New Age of Earth. From midnight on you will have the chance to listen to this album. It will be repeated in the night from Thursday to Friday, January 28, from 2 AM - 3 AM. The CD is available also at our shop. You can listen to the radio show worldwide on internet via live stream.

Just to remind you: On September 9, Manuel Göttsching's birthday :-) - Elektro Beats started this programme where Manuel in person presents his most famous albums.

14.12.2010 After a very successful Scottish premiere at Stereo in Glasgow on December 11th Manuel is now back in Berlin.
Special thanks to both Men & Machines and the Goethe Institute for helping to make this happen. Here are 3 links to excerpts from the concert: firstly SUNRAIN and the 2010 version of DEEP DISTANCE from the album NEW AGE OF EARTH and also a live 2010 version of SHUTTLE COCK from the album BLACKOUTS
Please check for some reactions on facebook. And enjoy some great photographs from the concert. Thanks to the photographer whose name we unfortunatelly do not know.

You can listen to a Glaswegian radio show dedicated to Manuel's music that aired before the concert with some additional information about the programme.

04.12.2010 The live version of PLURALIS in Japan with Elliott Sharp, Steve Hillage and Zhong Shouwang on Space Shower TV - enjoy!

19.09.2010 First time in Scotland
On Saturday December 11, 2010 at 7 PM Manuel will be perfoming a solo program in Glasgow at STEREO


As this is a Scotland premiere please order your tickets now.
Glasgow at Tickets-Scotland or Rubadub
Edinburgh at Ripping Records
Dundee at Grouchos

21.11.2010 "Manuel Göttsching - Klassiker", a new music series on Radio Eins dedicated to Manuel's "Classics"
Next Wednesday, on November 24 you can listen to the second part of the "Classics" series dedicated to Manuel Göttsching by Radio Eins in Olaf Zimmermann's Elektro Beats. The program starts at 11 PM and ends 1 AM. It will be repeated on Friday, November 26, from 1 AM - 3 AM. This time Manuel will tell us about the history of E2-E4. From midnight on you will have the chance to listen to the first ever live performance of E2-E4, 2006 at the Metamorphose Festival in Japan. The DVD-CD set of this concert is available in Japan, but also at our shop. You can listen to the radio show worldwide on internet via live stream.
15.09.2010 Just to remind you:
On September 9 at 00.30, Elektro Beats started a new section where Manuel in person presents his most famous albums. In his first broadcast Manuel introduced Inventions For Electric Guitar.
Every two months, a program with his other reknown albums will follow. On November 24, he will showcase: E2-E4.
15.09.2010 On Saturday September 4, 2010 at 21.50: "more INVENTIONS FOR ELECTRIC GUITAR" - Live in Japan!
Together with 3 friends on guitar: Elliott Sharp, Steve Hillage and Zhang Shouwang (first time together on stage), Manuel performed his debut solo composition (recorded 1974, released 1975) and two other titles at the Metamorphose Festivals) as a LIVE world premiere.

Flyer Flyer Flyer Flyer

15.09.2010 Mayuri Akama, promoter of METAMORPHOSE festival, after the concert of "more INVENTIONS ON ELECTRIC GUITAR" on September 4, 2010:
"Thank you so much for another wonderful show last weekend. The live was mind blowing, the layer of guitar sounds so delicately infusing together, it was a miracle of minimal music. Thank you for making it happen..."
15.09.2010 Enjoy some video clips from the Metamorphose show filmed by fans from the audience:
Echo Waves
21.07.2010 Big in Japan
Shuttlecock, Sunrain Saint & Sinner and Trunky Groove - titles from the album Live at Mt. Fuji today night, July 21/22 2010, in Olaf Zimmermann's Electrobeats on Radio Eins. Enjoy!
17.07.2010 Der Junker und der Kommunist (The Count and the Comrade)
TV station PHOENIX is showing Ilona Ziok's film about the resistance to Hitler with music by Manuel Göttsching. Don't miss it! You can see it also on live stream.
25.06.2010 A new cover version of E2-E4
21.06.2010 Two excerpts from Manuel's concert @ La Villette Sonique / la Géode, Paris
Please check out in the right hand corner of the Myspace site at the play list and scrall to the titles: "Die Mulde Live in Paris 2010" and "Deep Distance Live in Paris 2010".
And there is a fan video on youtube. The first 10 of you who tell us what title this is, will receive the whole via email :-)
20.06.2010 Two excerpts from Manuel's concert @ La Villette Sonique / la Géode, Paris
16.06.2010 Manuel in an interview with Terry Hawke, UK
on his international radio show on HFM Harborough.
Enjoy the latest news, 3 days after Manuel's concert at la Villette Sonique!
26.05.2010 Playlist Manuel Göttsching for Brain Magazine. In German here
19.05.2010 Florent Coulon
"Nous remerçions vivement Manuel Göttsching (Ash Ra Tempel) de nous avoir autorisé à utiliser des extraits de son album NEW AGE OF EARTH." - Curious to know what this is? Check it out here.
12.05.2010 more INVENTIONS FOR ELECTRIC GUITAR in the night of September 4/5, 2010
Manuel Göttsching live in Japan with Steve Hillage, Elliott Sharp and Zhang Shouwang at Metamorphose for its 10th anniversary!


06.05.2010 After many years of absence Manuel Göttsching is back to Paris on June 2, 2010 with a concert at:
La Géode (La Planétarium), 26 avenue Corentin Cariou , 75019 Paris
opening ceremony: 21h00
opening act: 21h30-22h15
Manuel Göttsching: 22h30

Save your ticket right now as places are limited!


16.12.2009 Manuel will re-release the cult album Die Dominas very soon...
Please finde some information about how the music came to life. (We have put an excerpt of it into our discography.)
08.12.2009 Dear Japanese fans!
You can find Manuel Göttsching, Ashra and Ash Ra Tempel items at the Tokyo Tower Shop Kuraiya.
09.12.2009 New video on YouTube
A new video on YouTube to Manuel's music from New Age Of Earth! It is one of the legal ones as the artist has asked permission :-) Enjoy it!
25.11.2009 For our German speaking friends and those who are interested in Ying & Yang as pedagogic concept
Manuel unterstützt mit seiner Musik die pädagogische Arbeit von Norbert Meller im Sinne des taoistischen Konzepts der Lehre von Yin und Yang: Nicht gegen den Fehler, sondern für das Fehlende.
Hier die von Meller erstellten Videos mit MGs Musik.
09.09.2009 Thank you!
Dear friends, first of all thank you for your greetings on my birthday which this year is a very special day of 090909! I am sending to all who has not forgotten this day a musical gift. My management will contact you in the next days. Best regards, MG
09.09.2009 "MG des Tages"
"MG des Tages" on August 24, 2009 at the Tokyo Tower
09.09.2009 Manuel on "Radio Dublab"
Manuel on LA Radio Dublab.
16.08.2009 Interview with Manuel on a Chinese website
Here is an interview with Manuel on a Chinese website with excerpts from his Beijing concert of E2-E4 at ART ZONE 798, 2008. Enjoy!
31.03.2009 Manuel's great music for Easter!
Save money now and buy more CDs for less:
Order 3 CDs - get a discount of 10%
Order 5 CDs - get a discount of 15%
Order 7 CDs - get a discount of 20%
Order 10 CDs or more - get a discount of 25%

The offer is available till April 30th, 2009. Watch out for availabe items at our shop.

Single CD counts as one CD.
Double CD count as two CDs.
Five CD Box counts as 5 CDs.
DVD and T-Shirt contains as one CD/item.
Orders welcome to:
31.03.2009 It was on August 16, 2008 in Philadelphia:
Manuel's concert at Chuck van Zyl's Gathering Series written by Scott Kelly (a.k.a. DJ Kel), concert photos by Jeff Towne, and an excerpt from the above concert with an interview by Scooter McCrae in New York.
22.03.2009 Manuel performing in one of the hypest Beijing places, at Yugong, enjoy the trailer!
15.03.2009 Manuel's ASHRA on air
On Tuesday, March 17, "Midnight on Mars" will be played as last piece of Tony Watson's set on WNYU 89.1 FM New York City. Enjoy!
03.03.2009 A new interview with Manuel
Before his Los Angeles appearance Manuel has spoken with Lorraine Kay. Enjoy the interview!
18.03.2009 Live at Mt. Fuji
A great review in UK Audion, and the music on iTunes. Order if you still don't have the album!
08.02.2009 The Count and the Comrade
After a great start of Ilona Ziok's new documentary (music and production: Manuel Göttsching) at the Film Market Berlin there will be a sneak preview of the film in Los Angeles on Monday, March 9, 7pm at the Goethe-Institut, our partner also for Manuel's live performance to F.W. Murnau's silent movie SCHLOSS VOGELÖD (The Haunted Castle) at the Silent Movie Theater in Hollywood on Sunday 8, 8pm. You are most welcome to attend both events Please order your tickets in advance, as the cinema is not very big and can be sold out soon :-). This is Manuel's first and last concert to California for 2009! Manuel speaks about the concert and his music in general with The concert at the Royce Hall has been cancelled. The world premiere of Inventions For Electric Guitar, performed on 4 electric guitars, will be postponed.

Film poster
(Please click on the poster to enlarge it.)
16.12.2008 It's Christmas time
Until December 31, 2008 we pay the shipping costs for all items you order at our shop to any place in the world. Beside, till the end of the year all CDs and DVDs are at a special Xmas price:

When you buy 3 items you pay 9 Euro less.
When you buy 5 items the DVD Live at Herzberg 1997 is for free.
When you buy 8 items the DVD Postcards from Japan is for free.
When you buy 10 items a double CD + E2-E4 Live are for free.
And we are also open to special wishes!

All re-releases are remastered and they are limited collector's items with the vinyl look of the original LP. Don’t miss these very special editions. More information at

Manuel wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2009! And watch out for his next concerts, to start with the one at UCLA LIVE on March 7, 2009, see below. Get your tickeT before they are sold out!
Thanks for being wonderful friends!
16.12.2008 At the Royce Hall, Los Angeles on March 7, 2009
In celebration of the album's 35th anniversary, this very special concert will include the world premiere performance of Inventions for Electric Guitar, played for the first time on four guitars, the way it was originally intended. This transcendent, interstellar guitar music will be followed by a solo performance of E2-E4 as California premier. More information.
26.06.2008 Manuel's music in a pedagogic film
A film about magnets uses Manuel's music from New Age of Earth, to be seen on the Internet site of the French Academy. Enjoy, it is interesting and funny indeed!
16.12.2008 Manuel's music on iTunes
For the first time ever Manuel Göttsching's music can be downloaded legally! As we start to distribute it also this way - beside CDs releases that we will of course continue with - for the moment only the album Live at Mt. Fuji is on US i-Tunes. More titles to follow...
10.08.2008 New DVDs and CDs are out!
Please check out at our shop and order here or at good music stores and mailorders all over the world. New shops in the USA and Poland which sell Manuel Göttsching's, Ashra's and Ash Ra Tempel's music.
11.11.2008 Hi from Beijing and from MG's first concert in China on November 1, 2008
Göttsching plays E2-E4 at Art Zone 798 - what a night!
11.11.2008 Excerpt from a Japanese TV program on October 5, 2008
Manuel in concert with Ashra at the Metamorphose Festival on August 14, 2008. The band plays as world premiere Flying Turtles, an unreleased piece from 1979, released for the first time ever on the second disc of Belle Alliance Plus, a limited album, that is now being released. And for those who like to see the whole program please check out here, and go to DAX 2008 September, Part 3. Enjoy!
11.11.2008 Surprise, surprise...
Also from Japan: DJ Chee's Manuel Göttsching re-edit from September 27, 2008, - what ever re-edit in this case means because it is MG's music pure :-)
09.09.2009 A French "E2-E4" review
Kevin Shakey Albert about E2-E4 in French.
20.10.2008 Manuel Göttsching headlining the "German Night" in Beijing
On Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 10.30 PM THE VERY first concert by Manuel Göttsching will take place in China. This performance will also mark the live premiere of E2-E4 as part of Goethe Institut's celebration of it's 20 years in the country, to be held at 798 Space, 798 Art Zone - No.4 Jiu Xian Qiao Road, Chaoyang District. From 2pm to 4 pm - also there - Chinese and German music professionals will discuss about Electronic Music, with Manuel Göttsching as part of the event. Entrance is free.
20.10.2008 Session with Chinese musicians
On Sunday November 2, 2008 Beijing's most important venue for avant-guard music D22 invited Manuel Göttsching for a concert of his Greatest Hits and for a session with Chinese colleagues. Begin of his performance: 9.30 PM. Tickets are 50 RMB/30 RMB (students).
Order please via phone at: 010-62653177
20.10.2008 The meeting of two great inventors:
On Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 8 PM, also as part of the Goethe Institut's Celebrations, Manuel will perform live on Electronics to F.W.Murnau's silent movie THE HAUNTED CASTLE (1921) a movie considered the first psycho thriller in film history. This film-concert takes place at Peking's Yugong Yishan Club, No.3-2 Zhang zi Zhong Road, Dongschen District. Entrance is free.
15.10.2008 The meeting of two great inventors in Biberach
Manuel Göttsching - master of electronic and minimal music,
accompanies the first psycho thriller in history of films: THE HAUNTED CASTLE (1921)
by F.W. Murnau - the genius of the silent movie era
Venue: Filmfestspiele Biberach, Theaterstraße 4-8, 88400 Biberach an der Riß, Thursday 30, 2008, 9 PM.
More information to the event at the Stadthalle Biberach Ticket price: 15 Euro/11 Euro reduced.
Available at:,,
phone: +49(0)751/5691557.
15.10.2008 The Cinema World Premiere
of Kinga Kielczynska's and Markus Schickel's road movie POSTCARD FROM JAPAN documenting Manuel Göttsching's journey to Japan 2006 and his concert at Mt Fuji at Film Fest Biberach. Join us for the screenings on Wednesday, October 29, 6:15 PM and on Thursday, October 30, 6.00 PM at Sternenpalast, After the screening Manuel Göttsching will answer questions and discuss with the audience.
Don't miss these very special events!
20.05.2008 News from the Tokyo Tower Wax Museum - please check it occasionally
16.10.2008 Manuel Göttsching’s interview in english with Terry Hawke from October 10, 2008 is online now
07.10.2008 Manuel Göttsching at the Biberach Film Festival
Kinga Kielczynska's and Markus Schickel's road movie documenting Manuel's journey to Japan 2006 and his concert at the Anoyo Prism Fesival at Mt Fuji will be shown for the first time at a film festival! Join us for the premiere on Wednesday, October 29, also for Manuel's electronic live performance to F.W. Murnaus's silent movie THE HAUNTED CASTLE from 1921 on Thursday 30, 8.30 PM at Stadthalle Biberach, Theaterstraße 4-8, 88400 Biberach an der Riß,
Ticket price: 15 Euro and 11 Euro reduced. Available at:,, also via phone: 0049 (0) 751/56 91 557. Don't miss Manuel's only concert in Germany this year!
07.10.2008 Manuel Göttsching premiere in China
On November 1, 2008 there will be two concerts by Manuel Göttsching in Peking: He will be the headliner at the Days of German Culture, accompanying live F.W.Murnau's silent movie THE HAUNTED CASTLE from 1921 (the first psycho thriller in film history) and performing E2-E4. More about the location soon.
28.08.2008 Manuel Göttsching's ASHRA on Japanese Space Shower TV, Program : DAX
Aprox. 10 min. of ASHRA's concert at the Metamorphose festival will be shown on Sunday, Oct. 05. 2008 at 26:00~27:00 Japanese time, which means 6-7 PM (MEZ). Don't miss the program, also for the festival's unique atmosphere - more information at:
Internet streaming website : DAX MySpace & Space Shower TV DAX. Charge for viewing is free.
25.09.2008 Joshua Light Show’s official trailer to Manuel's concert of E2-E4 at the Lincoln Center @ Damorosch Part is at youtube now !
Please find also some articles to all Manuel's & Ashra's summer concerts at press as well as photographs from Japan. Those from the USA will follow soon.

And, don't miss the blog on Early Water!

12.09.2008 Manuel Göttsching in an interview:
Because of his birthday on September 9, German Radio Eins has dedicated a 1h program to Manuel, to his very successful concerts in the US and in Japan and to his new releases. The program was aired on September 10th, but you can listen to it now via stream. It is in German, but the music is international :-) Enjoy it!
13.09.2008 September 13, 2008: Ashra on Radio Harborough FM
Tonight, Terry Hawke will play the unreleased track FLYING TURTLES, recorded during Ashra's sessions to the album "Belle Alliance" in 1978, but released only now on the double CD BELLE ALLIANCE plus. Should you miss the title tonight on radio, then don't forget to order it here or at any good music shop around.
Emission: around 11.30 pm BST (UK-time, which means 1h later than in central Europe)
Radio: 102.3 HFM [UK Only, Leicestershire & Northamptonshire]
Radio Website:
08.09.2008 Manuel Göttsching on air:
Because of his birthday on September 9, German Radio Eins will dedicate a 1h program to Manuel with new music and a live interview after his return from the very successful concerts in the US and in Japan. Unfortunately for our friends abroad it is only in German :-) Broadcast date & time: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 - 11pm, enjoy!
03.09.2008 The Metamorphose Festival wrote us a very nice mail that we would like to share with Manuel Göttsching's & Ashra's fans:
Thank you so much for your performance at metamorphose, so many people listed Ashra as the best act of this year's metamorphose, which I agree. That was fantastic! Thank you again, Mayuri Akama
28.08.2008 ASHRA on Japanese Space Shower TV, Program : DAX
Aprox. 8 min. of ASHRA's concert at the Metamorphose festival on 2008.09.26 (Fri) 25:00 ~ 26:00 / repeat 2008.10.5 (SUN) 26:00 ~ 27:00 ! Don't miss the program, also for the festival's unique atmosphere - more information at:
Internet streaming website : DAX MySpace & Space Shower TV DAX. Charge for viewing is free.
24.07.2008 New Shops in the USA and Poland which sell Manuel Göttsching's, Ashra's and Ash Ra Tempel's music
10.07.2008 "Kurt Gerron's KARUSSELL" on German cable TV PHOENIX on August 23, 8:15 pm (Sa)
Manuel Göttsching accompanies German movie star Ben Becker on piano forte in this highly awarded musical film by Ilona Ziok about one of the most important German entertainers of the 30s and his cabaret KARUSSELL. MG also produced the Soundtrack CD to the film for Warner. Other famous actors and musicians featured in the movie are Ute Lemper, Bente Kahan, Coco Schumann, Max Raabe, Schall & Hauch.
10.08.2008 Old boy about young girl...
Göttsching talks about music, composing and films on Radio Eins
10.07.2008 Old boy meets young girl at Berlin's UfaFabrik
Manuel Göttsching invites you to an extraordinary film & music event on July 29 (Tuesday), 8 pm at Berlin's UfaFabrik, dedicated to Ms. Shim Hyun-jung, the composer of the internationally awarded Korean movie ”Old Boy" by Park Chan-wook! After the screening of the film, Manuel will introduce Shim Hyun-jung and talk with her about films, composing and life in music :-) The two met last year in Korea, where Manuel was invited to perform live to F.W. Murnau's silent movie ”Schloss Vogelöd” 1921, (The Haunted Castle) at the Jecheon Film-Music Festival, the most important event for music in films & films on music in Asia. There also has been shown The Sounds of silents, a film produced by Manuel on Prof. Willy Sommerfeld, the last original silent movie pianist of the 20s who recently died aged 103. For more information on the event please check out here.
10.08.2008 New Press and more...
12.06.2008 Manuel's solo concerts in the US (2008/08 - 2009/03) and his band's performance in Japan, 2008:
New York, Lincoln Center: August 15, 2008
Philadelphia, The Gatherings: August 16, 2008
New York, LOVE, August 17, 2008
Japan, Metamorphose: August 23, 2008
Los Angeles, UCLA Live, Royce Hall: March 7, 2009
08.06.2008 Enjoy Manuel Gottsching's ‘Trunky Groove’
Enjoy Manuel Gottsching's ‘Trunky Groove’ from his album LIVE AT MT. FUJI in total @ Radio Show: Hawke Chill Out Sessions
Date: June 7, 10pm
Radio: 102.3 HFM
Time: 10pm to 1am [BST]
30.04.2008 Manuel Göttsching's exclusive concert of E2-E4 in New York at the Lincoln Center
Wordless Music: 800 Years of Minimalism - The Spiritual Transcendent
Friday, August 15, 2008
Lincoln Center Out of Doors @ Damrosch Park Bandshell
7:00 Beata Viscera (Debut): The Music of Pérotin (fl. c. 1200)
7:30 Rhys Chatham: A Crimson Grail (Outdoor Version World Premiere)
9:00 Manuel Göttsching: E2-E4 (12.12.1981) (U.S. Premiere), with the Joshua Light Show (World Premiere collaboration)
There are no tickets or advance registration. The seated capacity is about 4,000, including standing room up to 12,000.

E2-E4 is a composition playing around two chords in ever changing rhythmic variations enforced through a driving bass line, random melody patterns, a variety of percussion sounds, finally topped with a playfull guitar. What really sets it apart is the steadfast refusal to follow the popular notions of development in melody and harmony - until today.

Joshua White is a New York-based multimedia artist and television director. He is well known for developing the light show at Bill Graham’s rock venue Fillmore East during the late 1960s, appearing with artists such as Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa, Jefferson Airplane, The Grateful Dead and Led Zeppelin, among many others. More recently, White’s artwork has shown at the Whitney, Hirshhorn Museum, Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art, Tate Liverpool, Kunsthalle Schirn Frankfurt, and the Kunsthalle Wien.

Wordless Music (“There is no more inventive music series in New York.” - Alex Ross, The New Yorker) is devoted to the idea that the sound worlds of classical and contemporary instrumental music—in genres such as indie rock and electronica—have more in common than conventional thinking might suggest. To illustrate the continuity between these worlds, the series pairs rock and electronic musicians in an intimate concert setting with more traditionally understood classical music performers. The goal: to bring audiences together, and to introduce listeners from both worlds to composers that they might otherwise not encounter, for a completely new concert experience. In so doing, Wordless Music seeks to demonstrate that the various boundaries and genre distinctions segregating music today are an artificial construction in need of dismantling.
Check out also at New York Times for last year’s review of the event.
For this year's announcement check out at WNYC: Click first "listen to the whole show" and then the TC 33'07-34'27. Do you recognize the voice of the lady who speaks there? If you do, contact us at for a surprise :-)
04.06.2008 Manuel Göttsching in Philadelphia, PA
Manuel Göttsching’s second concert in the US will be on August 16, 2008, 8 pm in Philadelphia, where he will be performing DIE MULDE and his Greatest Hits from solo albums like New Age of Earth, Blackouts etc. The concert takes place at St. Mary’s Hamilton Village, 3916 Locust Walk and as seats are limited, please buy your tickets right now. More information.
23.06.2008 Sacred Rhythm Music Presents "Translate"
Featuring: Manuel Göttsching Live at LOVE, NY
DJ Sets By: Joaquin Joe Claussell and Slow To Speak.
More information and ticket reservation at LOVE.
(Thanks for the invitation, Joe!)
30.05.2008 Manuel Göttsching & ASHRA at Metamorphose Festival in Japan
It was 1997 when Manuel Göttsching & his band ASHRA visited Japan for their first concert tour. Now the time for the band’s return has come: On Saturday, August 23 ASHRA will be performing at one of the most important Open Air Events in Japan, the Metamorphose Festival.
This concert also marks the 30. anniversary of the band's recording of its first album CORRELATIONS. On this occasion a 5 CDs album will be released as Special Edition. Watch out here for the precise release date!
22.04.2008 A mail by Gen Fujita, Tokyo Tower Museum, from April 21, 2008:
“To understand Manuel Göttsching's view of the world, the best method is listening his music. There are many styles to enjoy his music, seeing the wax figure closed around related collections, seeing the 3D duplicate of the cover of Le Berceau de Cristal, or viewing 1/6 scale action figure on the table. The most important thing is that his music always consists in your brain and mind.”
29.03.2008 For our Japanese fans and all the visitors of the Tokyo Tower Museum where an impressive section is dedicated to Manuel
A mail by Gen Fujita, Tokyo Tower Museum:
"We are always thinking how to express Manuel Göttsching's music to visitors from across the world, as a memory of future. From April 5, 2008 (Sat), we set up 3D duplicate of the cover jacket of Le Berceau de Cristal, next to the wax figure of Manuel Göttsching. We believe it deeply impresses visitors and becomes an important part of our museum."
29.03.2008 Please visit our photo section for new images
Find some images from Manuel's performance in the ufa Fabrik Berlin on February 10, 2008 photographed by Uwe Zelt and also at Heiko Neumann's tribute to ashra site.
Other new images of Manuel in the Tokyo Tower Museum, sent by our friend Gen Fujita.
16.03.2008 Hola to all our Spanish speaking friends!
Enjoy this really nice Spanish site about Manuel:
16.03.2008 Ciao to all MG's Italian friends and fans!
The Italian journalist Patrizio Longo recently interviewed Manuel. You can see the result on his website in Italian and in English.
10.02.2008 After many years of being personally absent in France, Manuel is back!
Échec et mat, an article in the French TRAX Magazine by Clovis Goux tells about his return.
23.01.2007 Video clips from live concerts
03.03.2008 Shop News
We would like to inform you that our stock of ASH RA TEMPEL, ASHRA and Manuel Göttsching CDs and LPs by Spalax has been sold out and will not be available anymore. The albums will be re-released as soon as possible on our own label MG.ART, some with bonus tracks and liner notes by Manuel Göttsching, some on Vinyl as well. We will inform you about the release dates in time.

Of course you can still order all of the following releases by MG.ART:
Wroclaw Live (DVD)
Live at Mt. Fuji (CD)
E2-E4 25th Anniversary Edition (CD - only limited amounts)
Joe Claussell meets Manuel Göttsching (CD - only limited amounts and LP)
Concert for Murnau (CD)
Die Mulde (CD)

and two other CDs released by Edel:
Walking the Desert
Tropical Heat

The following MG.ART releases are sold out too and will be re-released soon as well:
@shra + @shra Vol. 2 as a double CD-set
Sauce Hollandaise

There will also be DVDs of our former VHS videos:
Die Mulde
Live at Burg Herzberg
consisting of the whole concert and additional interviews.

About the first re-releases soon...
28.01.2008 Manuel Göttsching's tribute-concert to Prof. Willy Sommerfeld during the Berlin Film Festival

In memoriam Willy Sommerfeld

Information on the event, Manuel’s motivations and the location in German and in English (translated by Tobias Fischer, Tokafi magazine, Thanks Tobias!).

Also find samples of Manuel’s music to F.W. Murnaus silent movie SCHLOSS VOGELÖD (The Haunted Castle, 1921).
The movie is considered the first psychological thriller in film history, staring famous actor Olga Tschechowa. As the original score got lost, a DVD of the film will be released with Manuel's music. Manuel wrote the score originally for the Chamber Orchestra of the State Theater Brunswick (Lower Saxonia) and for electronics. The music was performed and recoreded at the filmfest Brunswick on November 1, 2003. Parts of it have been released 2005 on the CD CONCERT FOR MURNAU. Enjoy both, music and film !

19.01.2008 Video samples with Manuel's music to Murnaus's silent movie SCHLOSS VOGELÖD (The Haunted Castle, 1921) are uploaded now!
The movie is considered the first psychological thriller film story with a psychological background, staring famous actor Olga Tschechowa. As the original score got lost, a DVD of the film will be released with Manuel's music. That's why we would like to draw your attention to some excerpts of this film & music. Manuel wrote the score originally for the Chamber Orchestra of the State Theater Brunswick (Lower Saxonia) and for electronics, recoreded during the screening at the filmfest Brunswick on November 1, 2003. Parts of this music have been released on the CD CONCERT FOR MURNAU.
16.01.2008 Worldtronics talk online
Tobias from the music magazine has written a synopsis about the talk at the festival of Electronic Music in Berlin late 2007, where Manuel participated together with Dr. Motte und DJ Herrik Schwarz. For those who understand German there is also a MP3s audio for down load. Enjoy!
11.01.2008 Hawke Chill Out Sessions
January 12, 2007
Time: 10.20pm [GMT]
Playlist Includes: "Shuttle Cock" from the album JOE CLAUSELL MEETS MANUEL GÖTTSCHING and available as CD and LP. This is the original version released only on PRIVATE TAPES, Vol. 1-6 before. So take the chance to buy this album as PRIVATE TAPES are sold out since many years. Tune-in and join in the fun!:
06.01.2008 Manuel Göttsching's tribute-concert to Mr. Sommerfeld
Prof. Willy Sommerfeld, the last original silent movie pianist from the 20ies, died in Berlin at age 103. Manuel Göttsching produced the internationally acclaimed film THE SOUNDS OF SILENTS about Mr. Sommerfeld's life in music (dir. Ilona Ziok, also: Kurt Gerron's KARUSSELL, THE COUNT AND THE COMRADE), which is successfully touring the world since 2006 ! To give Mr. Sommerfeld the last honor Manuel Göttsching will personally present THE SOUNDS OF SILENTS in February in Berlin, with Mr. Sommerfeld's family, friends and the film crew attending.
After the screening Manuel Göttsching will give one of his rare concerts, accompanying a silent movie himself: SCHLOSS VOGELÖD (The Haunted Castle, 1921) by F.W. Murnau, one of Mr. Sommerfeld's favorite film directors. Manuel Göttsching's last film-concert took place in August 2007 in Korea where 3000 guests came to see this movie and Manuel Göttsching performing live his music. The event is planned to be realized during the Berlin Film Festival, from February 7-17, 2007. So that there is another good reason to join us :-) We will announce the exact date as soon as it is fixed. Manuel Göttsching looks forward to meet you!
06.01.2008 Ash Ra Tempel T-shirts available!
You can order shirts, guys longsleeve shirts, girly shirts, pullover hoodies, back patches at More items with ART, ASHRA and MG design to follow...
27.12.2007 Manuels Music on Radio Harborough FM
On December 29, 2007 arround 11.30 pm (UK-time, which means 1h later in central Europe) Terry Hawke will play one of Manuel Göttsching's compositions, performed with his band ASHRA in his show: "Hawke Chill Out Sessions" And, Manuel's technician Markus Schickel will answer some questions regarding this track :-) Enjoy!
Radio: 102.3 HFM [UK Only, Leicestershire & Northamptonshire]
Time: 10pm to Midnight [GMT]
Radio Website:
26.11.2007 Will you join us at Worldtronics?
I am glad to inform you that I will be in the opening talk of Berlin’s first festival of Electronic Music WORLDTRONICS on Tuesday November 27, 7 pm.
Roedelius, Dr. Motte, DJ Henrik Schwarz, Chief Editor of the Musicmagazine Groove, Heiko Hoffmann, and me will discuss the development of Electronic Music.
I hope you don’t miss me and will be there ;-) This time I am not performing, but speaking. Curious what I have to say?
The concert on this evening belongs to Harmonia, after 30 years on stage again...
There is also a Trade Marked where my label MG.ART has a booth, too.
You can hear my music there, watch videos and maybe also meet me ...
17.11.2007 Birthday Video Excerpts on Internet
The encore of Manuel Göttsching's birthday concert on September 9th, 2007, the electro-acoustic version of E2-E4, played live by Elliott Sharp (NY), White (Bejing) and Manuel (Berlin) was filmed by his long time fan with a mobil in good faith. That's why we have legalized the material to be shown on youtube. Enjoy! As we have filmed the whole birthday show with professional cameras watch out for the DVD to be released next year. For those who attended this unique event it will be a great souvenir and, those who could not be with us, will be able to see it at least on video. Read also the post-concert press!
29.10.2007 Myspace's Best Of
When you click at this link you will have the full information on Chris Martin's (KINSKI) Top 5 Bands To Listen To When You're Freaking Out In The Middle Of The Night:
  • Beach Boys - "Friends" & side two of "Today"
  • Cluster - "Sowiesoso & Großes Wasser"
  • Rafael Toral - "Wave Field"
  • Ashra and Ash Ra Tempel - "Inventions for Electric Guitar" & "Le Berceau de Cristal"
  • Gas - "Königsforst & Zauberberg"
Manuel's choice is also there when you scroll down... Curious?
17.11.2007 Comic about Plagiarism
In response to LCD Soundsystem's illegal use of the cover of E2-E4 for its own album Florian Baron has done a very nice comic that THE WIRE has published in the August edition
29.10.2007 News about the birthday party in press
Another article about Manuel's birthday event, this time in English, published by the UK art magazine FRIEZE. Enjoy also the older articles in German newspapers SZ, Berliner Zeitung and in the music magazine SPEX.

The video of this very special event will be ready soon...
11.11.2007 Reviews to Manuel's new releases
Check out the reviews to the CD Live at Mt. Fuji and the DVD Wroclaw Live. They are just great - like the music itself :-)
08.10.2007 Le berceau de cristal at Berlin cinema
Le berceau de cristal, a film with Manuel's music at cinema Arsenal, Berlin!
Those who live in Berlin don't miss the opportunity to see Philippe Garrel's movie from 1976, starring Nico, Anita Pallenberg and Dominique Sanda, at Berlin's cinema Arsenal, Potsdamerstr. 2, 10785 Berlin, on Friday 12 October 2007 at 9.00 PM (21.00)!
27.09.2007 "Projection on Installation" in California
Those who are from California Bay Area or near - don't miss Manuel Goettsching and his "Projection on Installation" tonight, September 27 at 8 pm, at Cobalt Sun in Sausalito, California!

The address: 411-A, Coloma Street, Sausalito, CA.
For more information call: 1-415 332 0340 or mail to:

Manuel's art-music-video Wroclaw Live on Lynn Augstein's live installations expects you in a wonderful and atmospheric space that seems to be made for Manuel's music! An event you would regret to having missed! So hope to see you tonight, also to say hello to Manuel whose visit to San Francisco is a private one...
12.09.2007 Reactions to Manuel's birthday party on September 9, 2007:
Those who have not attended Manuel's birthday night and release party with his musician-friends and their great music enjoy at least the first photographs from this special event by Berlin based artist Ewa Kowska. You need to log into myspace first to see the pictures here or visit our photo section. Thank you Ewa, also for the little video of the projection at Watergate.
And here are the first reviews in German newspapers, more to follow soon.
There will also be a Video of this event as we have filmed it with three cameras :-)

12.09.2007 Attention new releases:
Manuel's new CD: LIVE AT MT. FUJI is now available all over the world, distributed by Musicmine in Japan, Bertus in BeNeLux and Wordandsound in the rest of the world, for fans to order as well at our shop or at
Please check out the

Also available our very first DVD: WROCLAW LIVE. Have a look at the trailer!
Check also the
reviews from Canada, Germany, Poland and the US.
22.08.2007 FIFTY FIVE and still aLIVE!
Manuel Göttsching's Official Birthday Party + Live Concert
Sunday, September 9th 2007 from 9.00pm to 9.00am @ Watergate, Falckensteinstr. 49, 10997 Berlin

55 Flyer

After the screening of Manuel's and
Kinga Kielczynska's DVD "WROCLAW LIVE" the unique birthday concert will follow! Live on stage beside Manuel: ELLIOTT SHARP, one of the most interesting personalities from New York's Downtown Jazz, Rock and New Music scene. WHITE, the No 1 Band from China, discovered by Sonic Youth for the Oxident and produced by Blixa Bargeld. Further, New York's Deep House legend JOE CLAUSSELL, with whom Manuel did the album "Joaquin Joe Claussell meets Manuel Göttsching": 70ies meet the 21th century, as Claussell works with Manuel's tracks from the long sold out "PRIVATE TAPES". Joe only leaves "Shuttlecock" untouched, keeping the very first version of this song (not the known one from "BLACKOUTS"), because this title is increasingly considered to be a classic in the same vein as Manuel's "E2-E4". Other guests: DIXON, QUIET VILLAGE, MARC SCHNEIDER, MY MY and ARTUR8.

The birthday party also marks Manuel's new CD release:
"LIVE AT MT. FUJI", distributed by Musicmine in Japan, Bertus in BeNeLux and Wordandsound in the rest of the world.

Tickets available at the entrance (15 Euro) or in advance (+2 Euro), if you want to be sure: HARDWAX Recordstore,, phone +49 -(0)30 611 301 11 and ROTATION Recordstore,, phone +49 -(0)30 25 32 91 16
24.08.2007 Live concert in Korea
Around 3000 people came to Manuel's concert at the JIMFF in Korea where he performed live his music to F. W. Murnau's silent movie from 1921 The Haunted Castle (Schloss Vogelöd). Check out the photographs taken from this concert on August 10, as well as during an interview a day after. Thank you, Dong Wook and Kim Jin-hee for the right to use them!

The first articles from Korea have also arrived:

Associated Press Korea (Yonhap News)
Movie Week

(The translation to both articles to follow soon!)

We have also filmed Manuel's journey to Korea, so watch out for a DVD to be released on this event!
17.07.2007 New DVD - our first one!
Manuel Goettsching and Kinga Kielczynska Wroclaw Live

DVD cover

On July 29, 2006 Manuel performed with Polish video artist Kinga at the International Film Festival Era New Horizons in Wroclaw/Poland. For this year's edition we have released the DVD of this concert which is available from July 19, 2007 in the festival's shop in Wroclaw but also here. The international release will be in September. Check the trailer of the video.
And here are the first online information in Poland at
Teraz Rock, the biggest Polish rock magazine, and at the Polish site for Electronic Music. Check also the review of the concert 2006 written by Tomasz Kirmuc!

27.06.2007 Manuel in concert 2007
Korea: Manuel will accompany live on electronics the silent movie "Schloss Vogeloed" (THE HAUNTED CASTLE) by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau on Friday, August 10th at 8:00 pm at the Cheongpung Lake Outdoor Stage at the closing ceremony of the Jecheon Film-Music-Festival 2007.

22.07.2007 Superb Live CD from Manuel Goettsching
review by Louie Bourland "I Play Drums" (Nashville TN via Garden Grove CA), June 29, 2007

As the above reviewed CD Live at Mt. Fuji has been released for now only in Japan - worldwide release: coming September! - here is the first English review on the US-Amazon site.
Enjoy the review and the music as
audio clip and as video!
11.07.2007 Manuel Goettsching in a live interview and with his music at UK Radio Show on July 21st:
Masters of Electronic & Synthesizer Music

On July 21st Hawke's whole show will be a tribute to such bands as 'Manuel Goettsching', 'Klaus Schulze', 'Ash Ra Tempel / Ashra', 'Tangerine Dream'. "So don't miss out on this unique opportunity to experience the very, very best in Electronic and Synthesizer music", recommends Hawke! And:"Cool Vibes!" Only on HFM 102.3 [or via their website link] will you be able to undergo this audionic trip of a life-time! Internet Streaming: Yes, 24/7. So tune into the "Hawke Chill Out Sessions", Saturday July 21st, 10pm to Midnight [BST]

02.07.2007 Manuel Goettsching at Elektroland Radio Show
The Danish Elektroland radio show (Moderator / Host: Bjĝrn Jeppesen) featured Manuel Göttsching's music on Friday the 6th July at You could also hear Manuel in an interview. The exact link is: The radio feature was broadcasted through several Danish radio stations so it was not possible to get to know when they air it, it's individual from radio station to radio station. Sorry....
19.06.2007 Exclusive preview of LIVE AT MT. FUJI on the German Radio show "Zündfunk":
For all those who want to hear what Manuel's track SUNRAIN sounds like today (the original was composed and recorded in 1976 for NEW AGE OF EARTH), there will be an exclusive preview on Thomas Meinecke's radio show "Zündfunk" on the German radio station BR2. On the 20th of June 2007, between 11pm and 12pm German time, the new version will be played as it was performed for the first time at the Anoyo Prism festival in April 2006. The full length album is already available in Japan, the release for the rest of the world is scheduled for September. Fans in Germany can find a list of the station's frequencies here, and those who want to listen to the programme from elsewhere in the world, there are live streams available for RealPlayer and Windows Media Player. Enjoy!
13.06.2007 Copyrights and more
Inspired by LCD Soundsystem's copyright infringement, Tobias Fischer dedicates this problem in general an article in the TOKAFI MAGAZINE.
18.05.2007 Inventions for Electric Guitar - the "album of the day" on
Manuel's first solo album, Inventions for Electric Guitar, which he composed and recorded at the age of 21, was featured on May 17th 2007 as the "album of the day" on, one of the music industry's most important reference books. Check out the review and samples of the music.
To make this album happen, Manuel founded his own studio in Berlin and called it "RoMa". He speaks more detailed about the album in an interview with Archie Patterson and with Tobias Fischer from Tokafi magazine.
17.04.2007 The Sounds of Silents produced by Manuel Göttsching - the first Art-Documentary on LH-flights worldwide
Since April 1st 2007, The Sounds of Silents, a film produced by Manuel Göttsching about the last original silent movie pianist from the 1920s, is shown in the First and Business Class of Lufthansa's inflight programme worldwide. Read more.
01.04.2007 New CD release by Manuel Göttsching
There will be a new CD released in Japan this month: Manuel Göttsching live at Mt. Fuji 2006. For our Japanese fans there is more information about the tracks at Musicmine. Everyone else has to wait until July when the album will be available all over the world. Even if some titles may sound familiar, they are not what you know :-). Manuel arranged them in a totally new way. And Trunky Groove has been performed for the first time ever at the Anoyo Prism Festival - it is the very first release of this track. Please listen to samples of the music below and enjoy!

Live at Mt. Fuji (frontside) Live at Mt. Fuji (frontside)

(live version 2006)

Trunky Groove
(composed and performed for the first time 2006)

(live version 2006, with guitar)

14.03.2007 Manuel Göttsching's music for the fashion show BIG BIRDS
German TV reports about the fashion show BIG BIRDS by Berlin based designers Tabea Blumenschein and Claudia Skoda at the Kongresshalle, Berlin (Congress Hall) on November 11, 1979. Manuel Göttsching composed a kind of heavy metal electronic for this spectaculous event where the models trained in the Berlin Zoo how to walk and behave like birds.
For those who read German, please also check the following link from the archives of the Haus der Kulturen/Kongresshalle (Berlin's House of Cultures):
The Congress Hall fell down shortly after the event - we hope not because of Manuel's powerful music :-)
The music of approx. 75 min. is professionally recorded and a video exists; both to be released in the future.
01.04.2007 Press Statement from April 1, 2007 by Manuel Göttsching's management:
For the cover of his album "45:33" LCD Soundsystem's James Murphy has imitated the artwork of and thus inappropriately exploits the reputation of the famous original!

Manuel Goettsching's (recorded on the 12th of December 1981 and first released in spring 1984) is considered to be one of the "most influential compositions" of the last 30 years and according to US surveys also one of the most frequently sampled tracks. But 80% of the samples and remixes are illegal... and on top of all that comes this plagiarism of the cover artwork:

The copy The original The original

20.02.2007 The Forest in the Fairy Room (Der Wald im Feenzimmer):
Beginning of December 2006, an Art Hotel opened in Lübbenau, a historical town located between Berlin and the Polish border, in a romantic region called Spreewald. Each room is designed by an artist. To Mercedes Engelhardt's "Fairy Room", Manuel composed a very special music, which he called Der Wald (The Forest). Enjoy the excerpt!
01.02.2007 More articles and reviews
Please check our Press section for the 2-page portrait of Manuel Göttsching in the current issue of the German WOM-Magazine, as well as several new and very nice articles about the concert at Berghain. In the Discography section there are also new reviews of the 25th Anniversary release of E2-E4. Please compare the reception of the album today and when it was first released in 1984.
23.01.2007 Video clips from live concerts
19.06.2007 New press reviews:
Here are some more French reviews, this time on @shra and @shra Vol. 2.
01.04.2007 Anoyo photos
See photos from the Anoyo concert at the Photos section.
03.01.2007 Berghain photos now online!
A birthday present for E2-E4's 25th anniversary by Matthias Roeing aka Dr. Motte: Photographs taken by him during Manuel Göttsching's concert at Berlin's Berghain, on 12 December 2006
20.02.2007 More reviews
New French reviews arrived for New Age Of Earth, Early Water, Die Mulde, Sunrain, Joaquin Joe Clausell meets Manuel Göttsching, E2-E4 (25th Anniversary Edition), and Sauce Hollandaise.
01.04.2007 German Reviews on MG. ART's releases
01.04.2007 English reviews at
(thanks, Lothar!)
18.03.2007 Interviews in Frequency
Heiko who runs the Tribute to Ashra website has found the following interview with Manuel from 1998, around the release of :
20.02.2007 Legal and illegal mixes
For our growing collection of illegal releases based on Manuel Göttsching's music we only yesterday received a new bootleg by Timmy Regisford sampling . What a pity that musicians, instead of asking the permission to honour the artist and the original, prefer to besteal a colleague in this way! By the way: We plan a CD release containing the most known bootlegs...

And those who love Manuel Göttsching's guitar will recognize immediately: It is him playing on Intimate, a legal mix by Santos, who most probably simply forgot to mention MG's name...;-)
06.01.2007 The Sound of Silents on German TV
On Thursday, 11 January 2007, at 11.45 pm German TV channel SWR3 will show Ilona Ziok's movie starring the last original silent movie pianist from the 1920s, the 103 year old Willy Sommerfeld. The film was produced by Ilona's husband Manuel Göttsching. For more information please check the English section of the film's website: The film will be shown in German, but there will be a DVD released soon, containing versions in around 15 languages. Those who understand German enjoy the screening. Those who don't please wait for the DVD :-) The film is highly recommended by international press and juries!
14.12.2006 Very successful Berghain concert
Manuel's concert was fantastic and the reactions from the public and press are overwhelming. The common opinion is that it was just "magic", music and the atmosphere. Manuel is very happy for having made you happy! :-)

We are very sorry for those who could not get in. But due to security rules the Berghain had to send many fans who waited at the entrance home. Next time please book in time or buy your ticket beforehand...

Our Press section contains the first press reviews from the Berghain concert (in German). Expect some more articles in the near future. Besides, there are Internet reviews by the public as well.
10.12.2006 "Tip of the Day"
For those who read German: an interesting article in the famous Berlin cultural magazine TIP (means "hint" or "advice"), also with "Manuel as the TIP of the Day". The press machine for the concert starts to work.... (link link)
01.12.2006 Manuel Göttsching on Myspace

You find there Steve Reich, Kronos Quartet, Scanner and DJs like Dr. Motte or Prins Thomas as "friends", but also Ennio Morricone, Giorgio Moroder and The Orb as fans. How nice! Join the sites!
30.11.2006 E2-E4 Anniversary Edition
For the 25. anniversary of E2-E4 on 12 December 2006, here is the special edition:

E2-E4 Anniversary Edition (frontside)

There is a 3-page text written by Manuel for this occasion where he talks about the title, how this album came into being and gives further previously unreleased information about E2-E4. By the way, the music industry's most renowned reference book calls E2-E4 one of the milestones of electronic music and awards it with an extremely rare 5-star rating. Please check and type simply "E2-E4" in the search function.
29.11.2006 Live interview with Manuel Göttsching on German Radio
The live interview with Manuel Göttsching, which was broadcast on 29 November 2006, is still available for download on the website of Radio Eins.
28.11.2006 Manuel Göttsching live in Berlin!
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of his legendary composition , Manuel Göttsching will perform it LIVE at BERGHAIN, Berlin's hottest venue. The concert will take place on 12th December 2006, the very day when this music was born - 25 years ago in Manuel's studio next to the KaDeWe. Important: It is a TUESDAY, not a weekend. Doors will open at 9 pm (21:00), the concert starts at 10 pm (22:00). By the way, the concert will be presented by:

Radio Eins
(read their announcement (in German)).

Before and after Manuel's performance the very successful AME duo will entertain you with their music. (This duo like many young musicians and producers all around the world consider Manuel to be their main musical influence, just google "E2-E4 + influential"). You can party with us after the concert, and maybe also talk to Manuel...

Flyer E2-E4 live in Berlin Flyer E2-E4 live in Berlin

Make sure you reserve in time as the interest in this event is big and the tickets limited. To celebrate 's anniversary the tickets are only 15 Euro!

Order from 1st of November 2006 at

Hard Wax
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 44a
10999 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-61130111
Fax: +49-30-61130199
opening hours: Mo-Sa 12:00-20:00


Rotation Recordstore
Weinbergsweg 3
10119 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-25329116

or at Berghain's entrance, but we can't guarantee that there will be tickets left on the night...

Click on the pictures below to read more information about the venue BERGHAIN in a front page article that was published in the prestigious international magazine for technology in entertainment, MONDOdr.

Berghain Berlin Berghain Berlin Berghain Berlin Berghain Berlin
14.11.2006 Berghain announcements
Here are the first articles announcing the concert at Berghain:
Groove magazine
10.11.2006 DIE ZEIT congratulates Manuel Göttsching to his album E2-E4
German awarded writer (Suhrkamp Verlag) and respected music journalist Thomas Meinecke this time picks up Manuel's to write about in his very own column in German renown weekly magazine DIE ZEIT (in German, English translation). December 2005 he selected as his favourite release for Christmas in his radio show at BR (Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich) where he also dedicated a program to Manuel.
09.11.2006 New French review of
The French music website Guts Of Darkness has published a new review about
09.11.2006 "Manuel Gearchange"
"We were an electronic music band called Kubusschnitt, very much amateur and good fun. We did an offshoot called wEirD, and one of the tracks on the wEIrD album was a tribute to Manuel, called "Manuel Gearchange" - the title shows that we didn't take ourselves too seriously. You can read a review of the album here. As I said, it was really just for fun..." (Andy Bloyce, England)
01.11.2006 Some old reviews
We have found some old reviews to the album and as well as to Manuel in general. Please check the Press section.
07.09.2006 Some fan videos of Japan events
There are some videos shot in Japan at the very successful Metamorphose and Anoyo events by fans from the audience. Bad quality, but charming. Enjoy Manuel on stage!

Metamo Festival: 1 2 3

("Manuel Göttsching plays E2-E4 which contains almost 1 hour for only one track, and this video was taken from Metamophorse which was japanese hardcore electronica rave. You'll enjoy the chill music and how "the proffesor" made the atmosphere for everyone.")

Anoyo Festival: 1 2

(Japan MTV has filmed the event. Both concerts will be published in good quality!)
16.11.2006 SPACE SHOWER TV
The Internet streaming of the excerpts of "E2-E4 live in Japan" started on 16 November 2006! Watch and enjoy it:

And this is what Mr. Terutada Murao (Space Shower TV director) wrote us today:

"Manuel Göttsching has a lot of fans in Japan. Music fans of various genres love his music (New Age, Techno, House, Progressive Rock, Guitar Rock...) There is various generations' person there. Manuel Göttsching's music is masterpiece for all the music fans. I experienced Manuel's concert for the first time in 1997, Osaka. It was a wonderful experience too. Thank you!

SPACE SHOWER TV is Japan's largest No.1 music channel covering a wide range of Western and Japanese genres and music scenes, centering on Japanese rock and pops.Their progam FREAK OUT! broadcasted in October parts of Manuel's concert at Metamorphose ( which we unfortunately missed to announce. (For the next time: this channel can be seen in Cable TV & SKY PerfecTV! CS digital broadcasting:
06.09.2006 Reviews
There is a very personal review about the Metamorphose festival and Manuel's appearance by Sunshine Jones, an artist and musician from San Francisco who was also performing at the festival. And there are some other articles in Japanese. Please check our Press section.
31.08.2006 E2-E4 Live on Mexican radio station
On Tuesday, 5 September 2006 the Mexican radio station UABC will play excerpts from during their Rock Evolucion Radio Show from 8 pm to 9 pm.
30.08.2006 Two funny reviews on Manuel's music on Amazon

"Santana ist ein meisterlicher Gitarrenspieler. Aber: Hier ist der Gott der E-Gitarre und er heißt Manuel Göttsching. Immer noch und für alle Zeiten. Basta, keine Diskussion :-)"

("Santana is a masterful guitar player. But: Here is the God of the electric guitar, and his name is Manuel Göttsching. Now and forever after. Basta. No discussions :-)"

"Deprimiert? 3 x täglich und die Online-Apotheke kann ihre Pillen behalten."

("Depressed? three times a day and the online pharmacy can keep its pills.")
Message in Japanese
At the dawn of the 27 August 2006, at 4 am or as the Japanese say, on August 26, 28.00 o'clock, Manuel Göttsching performed his solo masterpiece for the first time ever live at the Metamorphose festival on keyboards and guitar.
Logo Metamorphose festival
24.06.2006 The Sound Of Silents in German cinemas
The Sound Of Silents is currently to be seen in various German cinemas. See the cinema list (in German). You will find on this website a trailer to this film in various video formats. The next local premiere will be on Tuesday, 17 July 2006, at 8 pm in the Filmcasino in Munich. German TV will be also there to make an interview with Manuel and his wife, the director. So all fans from there are very welcome to see the film!

Another film produced by our film production CV Films is also to be seen in Munich, even on the same day, but at 2.30 pm at the CinemaXX (during the film festival Munich): TIGER, a documentary following box champion Dariusz Michalczewski to his last fight, a portrait of a sportsman in an extreme situation and a fascinating look behind the scenes of the sport.

Both films will be also shown in Wroclaw during the NEW ERA Film Festival (20-30 July), where Manuel's two concerts take place, but also Kurt Gerrons KARUSSELL, an internationally awarded musical film that we have produced 1999.

All fans are welcome! And enjoy Manuel's concerts and the three films!
23.06.2006 Manuel live in Poland at the 6. Era New Horizons Film Festival in Wroclaw
Manuel Göttsching performed on Saturday 22 July 2006 at 7 pm at the Opera of Wroclaw. He played the music (pure electronics) to Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's silent movie Schloss Vogelöd (The Haunted Castle).

Opera of Wroclaw
More pictures of the opera

One week later, on 29 July 2006 at 10 pm, he gave another concert with the Polish video artist Kinga, authoress of animated cartoons and visualisations, at the Browar (Wroclaw brewery). Kinga's video show technique consists in the mixing of images into a collage of different realities and actual events.

More information and pictures of both concerts will follow soon.
22.06.2006 Manuel on Polish TV
Shortly before Manuel's appearance at the above mentioned festival, Polish TV channel Kultura will repeat the 1 hour programme about Manuel and Kinga at the concert in Japan which took place at the end of April. The next transmission will be on 17 July 2006 at 11:40 pm. You can watch this programme via satellites "Astra 2c", "Hot Bird" and "Eutelsat". Enjoy! For those who miss it, a DVD of the programme will be available through The film will also be shown at the film festival in Wroclaw before Manuel's concert.

Last but not least:
Manuel has been invited by the director of the festival and the mayor of Wroclaw to be part of the jury of ERA NEW HORIZONS Film Festival where the best Polish fiction film will be awarded in the name of the town of Wroclaw. This is a big honour and he accepted with pleasure.
21.06.2006 Very successful concert in Japan!
The Japan concert at Anoyo on 29 April 2006 was a big success! We want to thank the promoters Takashi Shiraki and Tadashi Tsukuda from AnoyoPrism Festival 2006.
Anoyo logo
Special thanks also to C Jay Friedman who took care of us being not only our translator but also guide through Tokyo and Japan. And of course to Manuel's wonderful fans in Japan and to Gen Fujita for his incredible reception! A DVD of it will be released soon.

Besides, there will be a 1 h programme on the Polish TV channel Kultura about Manuel and Kinga in Japan on 17 July 2006 at 11:40 pm. This programme will be repeated regularly until Manuel's concerts in Wroclaw on 22 and 29 July 2006. The dates will be announced soon. You can watch this programme via satellites "Astra 2c", "Hot Bird" and "Eutelsat". Enjoy! For those who miss it, a DVD of the programme is available through
21.04.2006 New CD and Vinyl release by Manuel Göttsching
The new CD and Vinyl LP was released very successfully on 6 May 2006. The prices are as usual: 18 Euro for the CD, 19 Euro for the Vinyl.

Joaquin Joe Claussell meets Manuel Göttsching

There are some MP3 samples online now!
20.04.2006 "Clausell" review on Tokafi online
The online music magazine Tokafi has published a review on Manuel's latest release .
19.04.2006 Two new Japanese websites featuring Manuel Göttsching
The following websites could be of interest, especially for our huge Japanese fanbase. Both sites are in Japanese language:

19.04.2006 The Sounds Of Silents in German cinemas
Since 18 May 2006, the movie The Sounds Of Silents can be seen in various German cinemas. For current dates and information please visit the website.

This film is an hommage to the 102 year old last original silent movie pianist from the 1920s, Mr. Willy Sommerfeld, produced by Manuel Göttsching and directed by his wife Ilona Ziok. The film also tours international festivals and will be available soon in 11 foreign languages (even in Japanese, Russian and Arabic).

The Sounds of Silents has currently been awarded the most significant notation in Germany, the "Prädikat 'besonders wertvoll'"!
15.03.2006 Back in Japan!
9 years have passed since Ashra's legendary concerts in Japan 1997. Now the mastermind of the band Manuel Göttsching will present his solo project at the Japanese Anoyo festival on Saturday 29 April 2006 as the only live act as soon as it gets dark... The renowned video artist Kinga will accompany the concert with visuals. Kinga is doing fashion shows in Paris, e.g. for Louis Vuitton.
Tickets can be ordered via Anoyo's website.

More concerts by Manuel in different parts of the world are in preparation and will be confirmed soon!
20.02.2006 Forthcoming Tribute CD to Manuel Göttsching
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of (this brilliant piece was composed in 1981!), DJs from many countries who have been influenced by Manuel Göttsching will release a "tribute CD" honouring Manuel in the middle of this year. One of them, Thomas Prins, recently released his very own tribute on a vinyl maxi single Goettsching - Blackbelt Anderson Rmx. on Full Pupp (Germany), catalog no. FP 003EP.

Record cover Thomas Prins: Göttsching

The label writes about this release:
"When Manuel Goettsching of German Krautrock luminaries Ashra Temple switched on his sequencer in 1981 and just improvised with synth and guitar for 60 minutes mainly to have some soothing sounds for his own pleasure during a plain flight, he couldn't dream that his E2-E4 would not only become one of the major single influences for Detroit techno but still influence a horde of crazy disco Norwegians to pay tribute another two decades down the line. Well, daddy don't you know that things go in circles! His royal highness Prins Thomas first tricks you onto your dancing feet with a solid percussive disco groove before wrapping your head with gentle gliding synthclouds that are reminiscent of the original's repetitive layers -- before things go too cosy he unleashes the bassline that grows into an acidic monster -- nasty. Black Belt Andersen attacks the theme more in a swift ninja stealth mode: over a thumping funk beat he spreads out the sweet synth melodies and effect-laden guitar lines and lets them blossom into full beauty - stunning!"
19.02.2006 being played on US radio station
Chuck van Zyl plays in his programme Star's End every saturday night/sunday morning from 1:00am to 6:00am Eastern Time (USA). Click on "Broadcast" for further details.
02.02.2006 Almost 300,000 visitors of our website!
We will soon welcome our 300,000th visitor. He will receive Manuel Göttsching's three latest CD, autographed by Manuel. #300,001 will get two CDs and #300,002 one CD free of choice. If you see the number, please drop us a little mail. We will check this and contact you soon afterwards.
22.01.2006 A French pianoman plays Manuel Göttsching
Maxence Cyrin is a young French classical pianist who plays on his latest CD music by Depeche Mode, Aphex Twin, Massive Attack, Moby ...and !

Manuel will attend his concert on 26 January 2006 in Berlin and M. Cyrin talks about this event:

"It would be a pleasure to meet Manuel and a great honour because "Sueño Latino" is one of my best tracks ever. My cover is a little bit far from his original version and I hope he's not too much disappointed..."

You will find more information here:
Maxence Cyrin's website
Tour dates
A review about his CD
19.12.2005 Forthcoming radio programmes with Manuel
Germany's renowned writer Thomas Meinecke who is also a musician with his own music program on Bavarian Radio (BR 2) will play parts of on 26 December 2005, 10 pm in Musikalischer Zirkel and discuss it with Thomas Morr and Fritz Osermayer. Thomas has selected Manuel's recent electronic release as "the album of the month".

will be featured on the Dutch radio station NPS Radio 4fm in a programme called Muzikale Delicatessen on Tuesday 17 January 2006 between 00:02 and 01:00 CET (and afterwards online for two weeks).

Germany's No. 1 radio expert for electronic music, Mr.Olaf Zimmermann, will present Manuel Göttsching in an interview on German Radio Eins in January 2006, also featuring his music. We will let you know the exact date as soon as we know it.
18.12.2005 A Mexican radio show featuring Manuel
The Mexican radio programme Radio UABC will broadcast on 20 December 2005, 8-9 pm (Californian Time) the show Rock Evolucion featuring Manuel Göttsching. You will be able to listen to it online.
17.12.2005 Mon Jules Verne on ARTE
For those who understand German or French:

Mon Jules Verne by Patricio Guzman, an entertaining documentary that Manuel's wife Ilona Ziok has developed and co-produced will be broadcast on Sunday, 18 December 2005 at 10:45 pm on the TV programme ARTE. More information (in German, PDF). Enjoy!
07.11.2005 E2-E4 live on CD!
On 25 March 2005 the internationally renowned ensemble Zeitkratzer (who also managed to play Lou Reed's "Metal Machine Music" with classic instruments!) performed together with Manuel on acoustic guitar his composition live at Berlin's legendary Volksbühne at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz within a Zeitkratzer concert of approx. 70 min. was performed in the second half and took approx. 28 min. including the encore.

While the whole concert will be released on DVD next year, we decided to release the performance (without encore) as Xmas-CD right now! And here it is:

as Maxi CD of approx. 22 min.

Cover E2-E4 Live Cover E2-E4 Live

01.10.2005 Some things are worth the wait...
Dear friends and fans,
two new albums by Manuel are finished and ready to be ordered!

This is Manuel's instrumental and electronic composition for F.W. Murnau's silent movie Schloss Vogelöd/Haunted Castle (1921), performed during the Brunswick film festival on 31 October and 1 November 2003.
Manuel mixed the live performance in his studio, and now the music is available with background information on the composition.

Cover Concert For Murnau Cover Concert For Murnau
(Click on the picture to show an enlarged version of it)

On 6 September 1997, Manuel performed this composition to an installation of 34 mirrors in Höfgen, on the Mulde River near Leipzig. In 2002, we released the VHS with the original live concert; this is a completely new studio mix on CD. Additionally the album includes another piece of Manuel's music: HP Little Cry, a 32-minute, previously unreleased composition... Enjoy!

Cover Die Mulde Cover Die Mulde
(Click on the picture to show an enlarged version of it)

17.06.2005 Another Spanish interview with Manuel
There's another Spanish interview with Manuel Göttsching on the Web. If you understand some Spanish, read it.
16.05.2005 Die Dominas
We have been asked whether there are still original Vinyls of available. The singer Claudia has still around 50 of them. Claudia has signed and sold another 50 copies to a guy who deals with them.

We have also been asked whether they will be re-released. Manuel's answer is: No.
14.04.2005 Zeitkratzer performance on DVD coming soon!
After the very successful Zeitkratzer concert at Volksbühne Berlin with new pieces and guest appearances of Carsten Nicolai, Terra Thaemlitz and Manuel Göttsching, the concert will be released on DVD. For the first time Manuel performed his legendary live on guitar!

The German newspaper TAZ published a review (in German) of this performance. You can also read it online. Another review is published by the Dutch online magazine Cut-Up. It's in Dutch language.

A picture and some words in French about this event
11.04.2005 New bank accounts and payment possibilities
When you order items from our little shop, please notice the new bank account for payments in Euro. The old account will be closed in a few weeks.

From now on, you can also pay via Paypal! If you have an own Paypal account and pay directly from your account to our account, there is no additional fee. Please send your payments to the following address: MGoART @

If you want to pay with credit card please use: TVFilmVent @, but in this case there is a fee of 10% to add.
31.03.2005 Another interview
Progressive Soundscapes Radio publishes another interview with Manuel Göttsching on its website. Click the Interviews link located on the left side of page. It is currently the first on the page. You can listen as a stream or download a 128 kbps MP3.
14.03.2005 E2-E4 live again!
Zeitkratzer will perform their orchestral version of Manuel Göttsching's - for the first time featuring Manuel Göttsching live on guitar!

Date: Friday, 25 March 2005
Time: 8.00 pm.
Location: Berlin Volksbühne (Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz)

For tickets visit (click on button: Kartenverkauf).
10.02.2005 Sunrain #4 in Dutch magazine's poll
The Dutch electronic music magazine E-dition asked its readers to vote for their favourite electronic tracks. (from ) reached #4 in this poll! (The top three positions were Jean Michel Jarre: Oxygene IV, Kraftwerk: Autobahn and Tangerine Dream: Rubycon Part I.)

, another piece by Manuel Göttsching (together with Hichael Hoenig), reached #35.
07.01.2005 E2-E4... E-ternidad!
There is a new review of on a Columbian website. Read it (in Spanish)
07.10.2004 "How to buy Krautrock"
The British magazine MOJO publishes in its October 2004 issue an arcticle called Your essential guide to Krautrock. This article contains a list How to buy Krautrock. The record made it to #4. Here is the complete list:

1. Kraftwerk:Trans Europe Express
2. Tangerine Dream: Rubycon
3. Can: Tago Mago
4. Ashra: New age of Earth
5. Neu!: Neu! 75
6. Can: Ege Bamyasi
7. Faust: Faust IV
8. Cluster: Sowiesoso
9. Amon Düül II: Yeti
10. Brainticket: Cottonwoodhill
09.09.2004 Two new T-shirts
On the occasion of the 20th birthday of there are two new T-shirts:

T-Shirt #3

T-Shirt #4

Both are available through our shop. As mentioned above, the first 10 who order CDs from us will get one of these T-shirts for free!
25.08.2004 E2-E4-E-ternity
Manuel Göttsching's album was way ahead of its time when it was composed and recorded in 1981, then released in 1984. And yet it instantly gained cult status. The proof? Over twenty years later, this unique musical anthem has been sampled from here to E-ternity and back again on dance floor from Vladivostock to Venice Beach.

Now, we're looking for those who paid us the compliment of sampling our sounds - to return the compliment. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of , we want to publish all the music which has sampled this album in MP3 form on our website, complete with references.

Please send us information about the tracks (title, date, DJ's or producer's name) to Do not send the tracks themselves! We will contact you if we need more information.

Twenty years on, this ground-breaking vision of electronic music continues to inspire not only the Dance and Techno scenes. Be part of the E2-E4 Community. Send us your information and watch the list - and the legend - take shape!
20.08.2004 E-dition Top 100 Electronic Music Poll
The Dutch electronic music magazine E-dition invites you to participate in its big electronic music poll. You are allowed to vote even if you are not a subscriber to E-dition.
19.08.2004 New comic featuring Manuel Göttsching and Ashra
"Matt Howarth's Bugtown characters return in a 3 issue series that features prominent guest stars from the international field of electronic music. In this issue, the underground culture of bootleg cassette tapes unknowingly aids the Loudies to spread their alien invasion to Europe. Savage Henry enlists the help of Manuel Göttsching (from the legendary Krautrock band Ashra) to battle the invaders on their own turf in another dimension. Also appearing are: Lutz Ulbrich (from Ashra) and Conrad Schnitzler (the grandfather of modern European electronic music)."

Issue #2 is now available in comic book stores and through our shop.

For more information:

Matt Howarth (writer/artist,
Edd Vick (publisher,
MU Press (

Comic featuring Ashra
09.08.2004 lyrics now online
The lyrics of are now included in our discography!
08.05.2004 CV Films' Salvador Allende in Cannes!
The documentary Salvador Allende by Patricio Guzman (an international co-production where CV Films is the German producer) premiers in the Official Programme of the International Film Festival Cannes on 13 May 2004 (without competition, as it is a documentary).

Film poster: Salvador Allende

In the German section of Cannes after its premiere and award in Berlin The Nomi Song by Andrew Horn.

And for all visitors from Austria, Germany and Switzerland: Our Grimme-awarded film Die Bühnenrepublik (The Stage Republic) by Thomas Irmer und Matthias Schmitt will be screened on 15 May 2004 on the TV programme 3sat at 8 p.m.
17.03.2004 New Film section in our website
In the past time Manuel Göttsching has worked on many films as a musician and/or producer. Therefore we have created a small section to reflect his work. It is currently just a short list of films with Manuel's participation but will be enhanced in the future.
17.03.2004 Die Bühnenrepublik won Grimme Award 2004
The TV documentation Die Bühnenrepublik (produced by Manuel Göttsching's film company CV Film) has won the Grimme Award 2004, the most important German TV prize.
15.02.2004 The Nomi Song won Teddy Award 2004
The Teddy Award 2004 (Queer Film Award at the Berlin International Film Festival) for the best documentary goes to The Nomi Song by Andrew Horn, Germany for its remarkable depiction of a queer pop icon's life and his substantial influence on the zeitgeist. The film was produced by Manuel Göttsching's film production company CV Films.
25.01.2004 A new E2-E4 remix exists
There exists a new remix called Adam Beyer E6 Remix. At least a Swedish radio station plays it regularly
24.01.2004 Another film by Manuel Göttsching's film company CV Films
Der Stummfilmpianist (The Silent Movie Pianist) by Ilona Ziok, produced with German TV and European Filmfunds, will be shown on 6 February 2004 at 02:00 pm in the prelude of the Berlinale Camera Award of the Berlin Film Festival, which will be presented to the last living silent movie accompanist from the 1920s when film was born, Prof. Willy Sommerfeld. This film officially opens in May 2004 on the 100th birthday of our laureate, from which point the film will only be shown in 43 minute clips. Dieter Krosslik, the Berlin Filmfestival Director will speak to honour Prof. Sommerfeld, and also will Ulrich Gregor and Christoph Terhechte, the directors of the Berlin Film Forum.

Der StummfilmpianistWilly Sommerfeld

The highlight of the celebration will be a live accompaniment of a silent film by Prof. Willy Sommerfeld on 6 February 2004 in the Arsenal.
23.01.2004 Manuel Göttsching's film production company CV Films produced documentary about Klaus Nomi
Looks like an alien, sings like a diva - Klaus Nomi was one of the 1980s' most profoundly bizarre characters to emerge through rock music: a counter tenor who sang pop music like opera and brought opera to club audiences and made them like it. The Nomi Song is a film about fame, death, friendship, betrayal, opera, and the greatest New Wave rock star that never was!

Klaus Nomi and his band

The Nomi Song by Andrew Horn will premiere at the Berlin Film Festival 2004 in the Panorama sectio, 6 February 2004 at 8:00 pm. You are all welcome to attend! For dates visit our website regulary

Klick on the following links to learn more about Klaus Nomi's life and work: (in French)
01.01.2004 Russian Interview with Manuel Göttsching
Alexej Krupskij from Minsk (Belarus) interviewed Manuel Göttsching in Summer 2002. Now this interview is online, in Russian
16.11.2003 Forthcoming "Braunschweig" CD and DVD
Manuel Göttsching's appearance at the 17th Braunschweig Film Festival was a big success. A CD and a DVD from this event is in preparation (as well as some photos for this website).
05.10.2003 Manuel Göttsching live in Braunschweig/Germany
Manuel Göttsching has written new music for the silent classic Schloß Vogelöd (The Haunted Castle), an early and less well known film by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau. The film's original score has been lost.

The Haunted Castle

Manuel will play this music on 31 October and 1 November 2003 at the 17th Braunschweig Film Festival.

For more information contact the organisators:
Internationales Filmfest Braunschweig
Hochstr. 21
38102 Braunschweig

phone: +49-531-75597
fax: +49-531-75523

WWW: (in German and English)
Brunswick International Film Festival
Tickets for this event cost € 15 (€ 12 reduced). They can be obtained now at the theatre ticket office (phone +49-531-1234567, fax +49-531-1234570) and online at

Some more information about the film and its creator: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4
31.08.2003 Russian article about Manuel on the Web
Julia Soultanova from St. Petersburg (Russia) made an interview with Manuel Göttsching on 29 April 2002 and processed it into a nice article. Read it (in English) at (in English) (in Russian)
23.03.2003 story in British MOJO magazine
The British music magazine MOJO contains in its April 2003 issue a story about and the Krautrock aera, the collaboration with Timothy Leary and
13.12.2002 Another interview!
Stevo Wolfson, host of the Kosmische Musik Group website has collected some questions from fans and sent them to Manuel Göttsching. Manuel kindly answered the questions and Stevo put it all together to an e-mail interview. You can find it in out Interviews section.
24.10.2002 @shra Vol. 2 is Editor's Pick at
The CD is no. 1 at the Editor's Picks of CD Baby Charts in their section Electronic/Ambient. For more informations visit You can write your own CD reviews there. You can also buy there the CDs and at a special price.
16.10.2002 "Kosmische Musik Group" Website
A new website about "Kosmische Musik" is online now. The first featured artist in its "Kosmische Musik Feature Artist Series" is - Manuel Göttsching! You will find there an interview with Manuel together with some previously unreleased photos and a MP3 with another snippet of .
16.09.2002 For the vinyl fans
Some older recordings are available again on LP on the Spalax label. You will find the order numbers in our discography. The LPs are also available in our shop.
21.04.2002 A list of radio stations
Our link page now includes a list of radio stations which regularly play music by Manuel Göttsching, and . Do you know more? Let us know.
23.03.2002 New e-mail address for press contacts
We have established a new e-mail adress for press contacts: Journalists and publishers, please use this address from now on. Thank you.
23.03.2002 South-American interview with Manuel Göttsching
The South-American interview with Manuel Göttsching has been translated into English. You can read it in our Interviews section.
21.02.2002 Almost all CDs available now
You can find all currently available //Manuel Göttsching CDs in our shop, together with some LPs, T-shirts and videos. Check it out.
19.01.2002 The new CD are released!
The two new CDs are now released:

  • The long awaited release , a 3 CD set with unreleased historical rehearsal material of the album

    Cover picture

  • , the second part of the unreleased tracks from the Japan tour, including the 1997 version of the beautiful track

    Cover picture
30.12.2001 Manuel's new label
Manuels new label is called MG.ART

MG.ART logo

Do you have an idea what this means? Write a short mail to For the funniest explanations we will give away T-shirts for free!

30.12.2001 New: Ashra T-Shirts!
The T-Shirts are being manufactured now. You can buy them in our shop for a very reasonable price. We have included some pictures in our photo section
27.12.2001 All prices in Euro now!
All prices in our shop are now given in the new Euro currency. Most prices have been slightly reduced!
12.12.2001 Happy Birthday, E2-E4!
Manuel thanks his fans for the many congratulations to the 20th birthday of . He was very touched by them and promises to continue making good music!
22.10.2001 Progressive Rock Recommendations from Mexico
The Mexican progressive rock website has put together a list of recommendations. You will find some and recordings in their list at
09.09.2001 Our little shop has opened!
You can order some items by Manuel Göttsching now directly from us! See our Shop section. At the moment, there are just some CDs and videos in our shop, but it will be enhanced in the near future.
08.09.2001 Santos talks about Manuel
The Italian magazine Blow Up contains in its September issue a feature about House music, written by Christian Zingales. Santos and Manuel Göttsching are mentioned there too, and Santos says about Manuel:

"Göttsching is really a great person, in the studio he was so down to earth and we immediately had chemistry, you know, it's like when you know somebody for 5 minutes and it seems you've been knowing him for 10 years? Beautiful and the memory that comes to my mind is when Marco Bertoni, Manuel and I had been working for a couple of days on the guitars but we were feeling that something was still missing. Manuel starts playing and as soon as he plays the classical guitar riff which has then become the main riff of , the three of us looked into one another eyes and screamed! I ve been able to collaborate with him thanks to Expanded Music with whom he had already worked for the sample of for . Thanks to this I asked if it was possible to contact him and work together, he accepted and I had always been fascinated by his music that I still can't believe it."

07.09.2001 Santos/Göttsching track as RealAudio in the Web
The Santos track with Manuel Göttsching can be heard online in RealAudio format on the BBC website. It's not CD quality though.

This audio clip is almost half an hour long and contains a collection of songs remixed by Santos. The track with Manuel is located at 21:20-26:00.

18.06.2001 Santos album released!
DJ Santos' album was released on 18 June 2001. Manuel Göttsching is featured on the title . You can find some photos of the collaboration in Bologna in February on our photo page
14.06.2001 Manuel Göttsching's Relief Portrait at the Entrance of the Tokyo Tower -
Germany's most famous secret export article

"We would like the visitors to realize who Manuel Göttsching really is before they enter our museum." (Gen Fujita, Tokyo Tower Wax Museum)

Together with Marilyn Monroe, Abraham Lincoln and Chiune Sugihara, (a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania who saved the lives of more than 6.000 jews during World War II by issueing Japanese transit visas against his government's specific order), the Berlin musician and composer Manuel Göttsching (leader of the bands and ) now adorns the entrance of the Tokyo Tower Museum. A strange cocktail of famous faces!

© Tokyo Tower Wax Museum (International Leisure Corporation)

The Tokyo Tower, founded in 1958, is almost as important as the Eiffel Tower. Inside one finds TV stations, the Cosmic Jokers Museum Shop, where one can buy all of Manuel's records, videos, CDs, posters. But the biggest tourist attraction is the famous Wax Museum, the biggest one in Asia.

The significance of the Wax Museum according to Mr. Fujita is: "LOOK AT YOURSELF: To see a wax figure means to see someone. To see someone means to see myself."

Mr. Gen Fujita who has been operating this museum since 1970 (the year in which Manuel founded his group ) is one of Japan's major businessmen. While studying in Chicago/USA in the seventies, he heard Manuel Göttsching's captivating music for the first time. Ever since, he has been a devoted fan of Manuel' music.

Mr. Fujita fullfilled his own dream and that of Manuel's many Japanese fans, and brought the band to Japan for a live tour inTokyo and Osaka in 1997 from which the CD has been released. Vol. 2 will follow later this year.

You will find more photos of this relief in our photo section.

10.05.2001 New structure of our website
We have rebuilt and enhanced our website! If something doesn't work as it should or if you have any comments, feel free to send an e-mail to the webmaster. There will be some minor modifications in the next weeks.

The following changes have been made:

  • The Biography has been enhanced and reflects now Manuel Göttsching's life and work more comprehensively
  • The News Archive with older "Latest News" which still might be of interest is now accessible directly at the bottom of the news section on the opening page
  • There is a new Concerts section. It contains a list of all concerts with Manuel Göttsching's participation together with some concert reviews and photos. Harald Grosskopf's very own impressions of the Japanese tour in 1997 are now translated into English
  • The Music Gallery summarizes all music files which can be downloaded from our website
  • The Links page has got an own entry in the main menu
  • The Shop lists some opportunities to buy CDs, videos and other stuff
  • The Search function is now accessible from each page on the right column. You can also subscribe to the mailinglist there
  • And last but not least, there's a FAQ page now with some frequently asked questions (and answers, of course)
25.04.2001 The videos are released!
With the release of two videos Manuel's own label Tempel Records has the honour to introduce itself:

1. Live at the Open Air Festival Herzberg 1997

(click on the small image to open an extra window with a larger picture)

played a similar program there as in Japan and Nijmegen, but not the same one! Check the MP3s for @shra and Sauce Hollandaise. The tracks are , and . But, surprise, surprise: Beside the excerpts of the above mentioned titles the video contains a title never released live before: ! It is one of Manuel's most beautiful compositions and it is the only one on the video in full length. Enjoy the musicians playing on stage live for you!

2. Die Mulde

(click on the small image to open an extra window with a larger picture)

Hypnotic pictures to Manuel's beautiful music! For a more detailed description of this event see entry below. You can download three MP3 files with parts of this long track here:

MP3  MP3  MP3

Both items are available on PAL and NTSC via Tempel Records (Myriam Abeillon, the label manager, will be glad to help you) or at your local mail-order selling , and Manuel Göttsching's music.

23.04.2001 Zeitkratzer again successful
The concert was a big success. They perfomed in front of a booked out hall and we have recorded the sound and filmed their show of Manuel's on 26 March 2001 in Berlin's Podewil with three cameras (as well as the rehearsals a day before) for our archives... and a film about Manuel one day.

There will be a MP3 and some photos of the concert soon on our webpage. Keep on watching it!

We have also recorded and filmed Zeitkratzer's interpretation of Phillip Glass' Music In Fifth (version 3) and Lou Reed's Metal Talk/Poetry

22.02.2001 Manuel Göttsching's recording with Santos
In early February 2001 Manuel Göttsching went to Bologna, Italy to work with composer, DJ and sound artist Santos, the famous inventor of Shakadelic and author of the recent smash hit Camels. In Bologna atmosphere the duo teamed up with producer Marco Bertoni for some music of the forthcoming Santos album R U Shakadelic? slated for release in April. This creative and interesting collaboration will result in a yet unnamed dance track featuring Manuel's beautiful guitar melodies along with Santos' distinctive beats and crazy instrumentation.
21.01.2001 "Die Mulde"
In early September 1997, Manuel performed at the International Festival for Arts & Music in Höfgen-Kaditzsch near the Mulde river. For years this historical village near Leipzig (Germany) is known for its special cultural events, with every event concentrating on a certain theme. That year's theme had the motto "What do we hear?"

Manuel was invited to compose and perform a musical piece for this event. After a week of preparation and hard work near the beautiful nature surroundings, the composition of "Die Mulde" was completed. Manuel composed this music next to an installation of 34 mirrors designed by the Berlin based artist Mercedes Engelhardt, which she has built in the same time on a meadow between the village and the forests around.

photo of the mirror installation
Photo (c) Tempel

On 6 September 1997, an estimated 1500 visitors came to enjoy the result: Walking through the art and listening to the music. Manuel performed sitting next to the mirrors - in rubber boots (it was raining in the morning). Manuel's music was based on electronics (no Göttsching guitars this time). The music was spread all over the meadow, forest and the nearby village, reaching so far that not only people came to experience it, but little curious animals as well. It was wonderful! The idea behind the music was a "Hörspaziergang" (a German word not easily translated), which means listening to music while walking through nature.

The German TV transmitted part of the concert. It is now available on VHS video. And one day, Manuel hopes he will release this beautiful piece of music on his own label. But good things take time...

Some photos taken from this performance are now in our photo section

20.11.2000 Review
Gen Fujita from Japan wrote a very nice review of the Ashra concert at the Berlin Akademie der Künste. Read it. He is the owner of the Tokyo Tower Museum, loves 's music and promotes it in Japan.
05.11.2000 Photos from the Berlin concert
We have put 10 photos from the recent Ashra concert in Berlin in our photo page.
17.10.2000 New version of in UK Club Charts!
The new versions of has reached no. 5 in the UK Club Charts!
29.09.2000 En=Trance Award for the two current Ash Ra Tempel CDs
The two recently released Ash Ra Tempel CDs and won the September 2000 En=Trance Award, chosen by the German online music magazine Planet X. You will find the whole text (in German) on their website.
07.09.2000 performed by a chamber orchestra
For the first time, was performed by the chamber orchestra on 20 August 2000 at the Academie of Arts, Berlin. It was a huge success. You will find the score in our photo section
06.09.2000 Photos from the London concerts
Have you already noticed the photos from Ash Ra Tempel's reunion concert in London's Royal Festival Hall on our photo page?
06.09.2000 More possibilities to buy Ash Ra Tempel/Ashra CDs
We have enhanced our mail-order page with some shops who have Ash Ra Tempel/Ashra CDs in stock. Some of them are especially interesting for US/Canadian citizens
09.07.2000 Two new Ash Ra Tempel CDs released
Finally, the two new Ash Ra Tempel CDs featuring Manuel Göttsching and Klaus Schulze were released on on July 3rd:

(The Live CD recorded at the concert on 2 April 2000)
18.06.2000 Websites of all Ashra members
Have you already noticed the new Links button in the menu row on the left side of each page? Behind this option you will find links to the webpages of Lutz Ulbrich, Harald Grosskopf and Steve Baltes.
05.06.2000 Our website has moved!
The Ashra website has moved to another server hosted by another (and hopefully more reliable) provider.
03.04.2000 One-Time Reunion of Ash Ra Tempel
played a one-time union concert in London's South Bank on April 2, 2000 with its original lineup of Manuel Göttsching and the band's other founding member Klaus Schulze.
15.12.1999 Solo records of the Ashra members
Our Discography has been enhanced with the solo recordings of Lutz Ulbrich, Harald Grosskopf and Steve Baltes.
28.10.1999 Movie News
Manuel Göttsching performed with German movie star Ben Becker ("Comedian Harmonists") for the world wide respected music documentary film Karussell (released in 1999). He composed the music to Walter Mehring's famous Ode an Berlin and produced and mixed with director Ilona Ziok the entire sound for the film, as well as for the soundtrack CD (EastWest Records 3984-27075-2)
21.10.1999 Think Progressive!
The German label Think Progressive has released a compilation CD Freakcity, Open Air Burg Herzberg, Vol. II (EFA 35882), featuring the title Twelve Samples, recorded during the Ashra concert at Burg Herzberg in 1997. Neither the release nor the version have been authorized or licensed by Manuel Göttsching or Ashra.

Attention: The "live recording" of on the Open Air Burg Herzberg CD was not recorded at Burg Herzberg at all. It was taped during the group's 1997 Japan tour and has already appeared on the Think Progressive release .

21.10.1999 Ashra in "German Rock"
The September/October issue of German Rock e.V.'s "Rock News" features a detailed biography of Ashra/Ash Ra Tempel/Manuel Göttsching as their title story.
21.10.1999 Online again!
Finally, the Ashra website is online again. It wasn't our fault but the one of our service provider who didn't manage it to fix the server misconfiguration in a short time. We apologize for that.
19.10.1998 The new Photos section
The Official Ashra Website includes now many photos of Ashra and Manuel Göttsching. Yes, we allow the download of these historic pics, but of course only for private use. Journalists who want to use one or more of these photos, should contact Tempel. We do not ask for a fortune for any professional use, but we want to know where and for what purpose they will be used, and later we kindly ask for an "author's copy" (Belegexemplar) of the printed media.

The list with the equipment of Manuel's Studio Roma has moved to the Miscellaneous section.

04.10.1998 The new Ashra CD is released!
The new Ashra CD with recordings from concerts in Osaka and Tokyo during their tour in Japan back in February 1997 has now been released in the German label Thing Progressive, distributed by EFA.

It's simply called , and includes the titles , , and , lovingly remixed by Steve Baltes, the new member of the group since that tour.

Catalog no. is TPCD 1.807.026, EFA order no. is 3559-2. For initial mail orders contact:
Think Progressive, Künzeller Str. 15, D-36043 Fulda, Germany, phone: +49-661-79137, fax: +49-661-9012508.

The vinyl version, featuring additional tracks and a comprehensive booklet about the tour of Ashra in Japan is scheduled for a later release.

22.07.1998 Manuel Göttsching and Klaus Schulze
On 18th to 19th July 1998, Manuel Göttsching visited in his studio to record with him for Klaus' next album(s). We report, when we know more.
25.04.1998 Press reviews of
The first press reviews of were very positive. Read them
13.04.1998 A comic booklet about Ash Ra Tempel
Comic book graphic master Matt Howarth has done it again, blending his warped fiction with music from the real world, with the authorized featured appearance of (Klaus Schulze and Manuel Göttsching) in his latest graphic novel Caroline: Circles vs Squares.
13.04.1998 The Best of The Private Tapes
The double CD will be released in America on June 2nd, 1998 on Cleopatra's sublabel Purple Pyramid. Order number will be: Purp 0299. The two CDs contain 18 tracks from the six CDs and in addition one rare track from 1972, which was not released on .

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